Green Mountain’s Virtual Graduation Walk Johnny Sawyer

© 2020 Telegraph Publishing, LLC

Each day from May 2 until June 18, The Chester Telegraph will spotlight one member of the Green Mountain High School’s class of 2020. While nothing can replace the thrill of walking across the stage to receive your diploma at your high school graduation, we hope this moment “on stage” in front of your family, friends and community will give you some small joy and a memory to take with you.

Johnny Sawyer

Johnny has many hobbies, including going outside, listening to music, and watching movies or videos.  He has been studying Tae Kwon Do since 2017 and also just started a weekly radio show with his father, “The John & Johnny Show” which airs on Sundays from 4-6pm on 91.5 fm (  Johnny looks back on his high school years with great memories of all of his friends and teachers.  He would love to hop in a car right now and head to California to enjoy the sunshine.  He looks forward to going to college and learning animation.  He is very passionate about animation for TV and film and would love to make this his career. Johnny has been accepted to the University of Vermont.

View the Green Mountain High School Class of 2020 gallery

After leaving the stage, each student’s photo will become part of the Class of 2020 gallery. We want to thank Becky Bushey and Kelly Goodrich for their work in pulling together photos and text and Principal Lauren Fierman and the GM Guidance Office and our advertisers for making it possible.


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