All Entries in the "The Telegraph Poll" Category

The Telegraph Poll: A mask mandate for Chester?
This Telegraph Poll will be open until Dec. 15. Should the Chester Select Board institute a mask mandate for public buildings and businesses?

Telegraph Poll: On the GM Chieftain mascot
The Green Mountain Chieftain mascot has been much revered since the founding of the high school in the 1970s. It has also been criticized for racist imagery. Is this the right time to replace the Chieftain with another, less-controversial mascot? Take the Telegraph Poll below, then if you’d like to make a civil comment, please […]

Telegraph Poll: On changes to Vermont’s recreational cannabis laws
The select boards of Chester, Londonderry and Weston have been discussing Vermont state legislation that would create a marketplace for recreational cannabis, weighing whether it is a good idea and what role they and their communities would play if it comes to pass. As a matter of fact, Londonderry residents will have the opportunity to […]

Telegraph Poll: On Yosemite Fire House’s future
The Chester Telegraph decided to conduct this poll after receiving a press release from the Chester Historic Preservation Committee*, which is an informal group of Chester residents that addresses the value, condition and possible uses of Chester’s historic buildings. Now that the historic Yosemite Fire House is officially owned by the Town of Chester, the […]

Telegraph Poll: Why did you vote against the GMUSD budget?
The Green Mountain Unified School District Board is revisiting the budget that was voted down by residents in Andover, Baltimore, Cavendish and Chester and has questioned why it failed. The Telegraph wants to give you the opportunity to say why you voted against it. (You can also choose multiple answers.)

Telegraph Poll: Should public school teachers in Vermont be armed in school?
You can also comment below.

Telegraph Poll: What type of new restaurant would you want?
Architect and community growth consultant Steven Cecil recently spoke to residents of Chester, Londonderry, Grafton, Ludlow and Springfield, telling them that in attracting tourists and new businesses, “Local and regional foodways are also important today. … Retail never leads, retail only follows. Restaurants lead.” What Top Three type of restaurants would make you enthusiastic to […]

The Telegraph Poll: Eliminate voting at Town Meeting?
The Chester Select Board is preparing warnings to ask voters if they wish to eliminate voting on specific budgetary issues at the Monday Town Meeting, in effect making the Town Meeting strictly informational prior to the Tuesday vote.

Telegraph Poll: The Astronomical Observatory for Chester?
B ackground: The Southern Vermont Astronomy Group, also known as SoVerA, proposed to donate an observatory building and telescope to Chester for use by the public. SoVerA would maintain and staff the observatory while the town would put in-kind services and $7,000 toward installation. In the end, the Select Board determined that it could not […]