Archive for June, 2023

GM board hears of PCB contamination, splits on Reilly replacement
By Cara Philbin © 2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC Weighing in at three hours, the June 15 meeting of the Green Mountain Unified School District’s board was long, but as recent meetings go it was one of the calmest and most cooperative, even when the board could not agree on a candidate to appoint as a […]

PCBs at Green Mountain High School – What you need to know
By Shawn Cunningham © 2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC After high levels of Polychlorinated Biphenyls — PCBs — found in the Burlington High School led to moving that school’s students to an empty department store while a new school is being built, the Vermont legislature mandated testing every publicly funded school built before 1980. Through that […]

Volunteers sought for Chester Festival on Green
The 49th Chester Festival on The Green — set for Saturday, Sept. 16 and Sunday, Sept. 17 — is seeking volunteers to help this two-day event run smoothly. The Chester Community Events Committee, an all-volunteer group that runs the festival, is seeking folks to hand out information to patrons, offer booth assistance to vendors, direct […]

Langille performs at West River Farmers Market Derry 4th of July Parade kicks off at 11 a.m. July 1
The West River Farmers Market, at the junction of Routes 11 and 100 in Londonderry, will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, July 1, hosting singer Claudine Langille, who will be performing original songs and traditional music from Ireland, Scotland and the Americas. Langille is known for her talent with the […]

Storage firm, owner fined for Londonderry wetlands disturbance
The Agency of Natural Resources Department of Environmental Conservation announced on Monday that Reggie C. Cyr and Mountain View Storage LLC, owners of three properties in Londonderry, were fined $19,365.72 for construction that was not authorized under their Act 250 Land Use Permit and for disturbing Class II wetlands and their buffers, and two stream […]

State offers $25,000 community project grants
The Vermont Department of Buildings and General Services is seeking applicants for this year’s Building Communities Grants program. Grants of up to $25,000 are available for construction and capital improvements to support and strengthen Vermont townsand regions. All grants require a one-to-one match and must demonstrate community support. The deadline for applications is Sept. 10, […]

Gypsy Reel opens Proctorsville music series July 5
Proctorsville’s annual summer music series kicks off with the sounds of Gypsy Reel at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, July 5. All concerts are held on the Svec Memorial Green, Main Street. For more than 20 years, Gypsy Reel has played high-energy, stirring music rooted in the Celtic tradition but garnered from the whole world. They rock […]

Grace Cottage awarded Red Sox Foundation mental health grant
Grace Cottage Hospital of Townsend has been awarded the $3,000 2nd Place prize through the IMPACT Awards, which every year gives Boston Red Sox fans the opportunity to nominate their favorite non-profit organizations to receive support and funding. Through a grant from the Ruderman Family Foundation, the winning non-profits receive first-, second- and third-place grants […]

Derry Rescue Squad offers CPR classes to businesses, organizations
The Londonderry Volunteer Rescue Squad continues to offer hands-on cardio-pulmonary resuscitation classes to businesses and organizations in our area. Properly executed and timely CPR has been proven to save lives. The class also teaches students how an AED (defibrillator) functions and its correct use. If you run a business or are in an organization and […]

Chester Rotary awards scholarships to five
The Rotary Club of Chester, Vermont has awarded $1,000 scholarships to five graduating seniors at Green Mountain Union High School. The scholarship awards are based on grade point average, an essay, community service, financial need and extracurricular activities including sports and employment. This year’s awardees are: Jack Hinkley, who will be attending Vermont Technical College, […]
Springfield Community Band concert June 27
The Springfield Community Band will present a concert at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 27 at the Hartness House, 109 Front St. in Springfield. Band members Danielle St. Amand (flute) and Alex Brady (alto sax) will conduct. Both are music educators in local schools. Movie and musical soundtracks are the focus of this concert; selections […]

Derry resident Terry Merrow receives Lions Club Melvin Jones Award
The Londonderry Tri-Mtn Lions Club presented the Melvin Jones Award to Londonderry resident Terry Merrow at the District 45 Spring Convention held at the Equinox Resort on April 29. This award recognizes those who spend many hours serving their communities. Merrow coaches girls varsity basketball at Leland and Gray High School and was The Americas’ Team Coach […]

S. Londonderry resident receives Lovell Health Career Award
Springfield Hospital and Southern Vermont Area Health Education Center are pleased to announce Evan Farrar as the recipient of this year’s Dr. E. Sherburne Lovell Health Career Award. He is a resident of South Londonderry and a 2023 graduate of Burr and Burton Academy. The Lovell Award contributes $1000 per year for four years toward a student’s academic pursuit […]

Henry Homeyer: Fragrant blooms to satisfy your senses
By Henry Homeyer © 2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC Do you remember your Grammy’s favorite rose? If you do, you probably remember how fragrant it was. For me, one of my grandmother’s favorite plants was the peony named Festiva Maxima. It is a double white with a drop of red in the middle. It’s in bloom […]

Green Mountain graduates 47 in the Class of 2023 Commencement moved indoors due to threatening weather
By Shawn Cunningham © 2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC Green Mountain High School’s five year run of perfect weather for its outdoor graduations came to an end last Friday as commencement ceremonies were moved to the gym for the 47 seniors, their families and friends. At his final graduation as principal, Keith Hill welcomed everyone […]

‘Eat the Rainbow’ for Pride at VINE event June 24
Everyone is welcome to celebrate Pride Month at Rainbow-Palooza, a combined Pride and VegFest, to be held from noon to 5 p.m. on Saturday, June 24 at 21 Fairground Road, Springfield. Free food will allow attendees to “Eat the Rainbow” of vegan food without spending a cent. Dance music by DJ Alpha will keep festivalgoers bouncing to […]

Weston Theater presents ‘Charlie Brown’ Free performances at venues across Vermont
Weston Theater Company’s 2023 Young Company production, “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown,” will be performed from June 22 through July 9 at venues across Vermont. This production is free, but tickets are required. Follow Charlie Brown, Snoopy and other members of the Peanuts gang as they navigate the ups and downs of growing up. Full of memorable songs […]

Legislators wrap up session June 25 in Weston
New Thought Vermont, 614 Main St. in Weston, will host a Wrap Up Legislative Forum for Weston and neighboring mountain towns from 4 to 6 p.m. on Sunday, June 25. With the veto session having just been completed, come listen to updates about the legislative session from our state legislators. You will also have an […]

Community spirit alive in Cavendish businesses
By Cara Philbin ©2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC Ask nearly any business in Cavendish why they’re in this small town in the shadow of a major ski resort, and you’ll get a slightly different version of the same answer: community. “We take pride in everything we put out, we treat everybody like family,” says Laura Jennings-Ryll, […]

College News
Margaret Gilman of Weathersfield is among the Class of 2023 to graduate in early June from Elmira College, located in Elmira, N.Y. She graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science degree. The following local students were among nearly 1,000 students named to the spring 2023 Dean’s List at Stonehill College in Easton, Mass.: Aaron […]