Archive for April, 2015
Grafton Select Board agenda for May 4, 2015
The Grafton Select Board will meet at 6 p.m. on Monday, May 4 at Grafton Elementary School, 58 School St. Below is its agenda. Public Comment Adopt Agenda Minutes: April 20, 2015 and April 21, 2015 Warrants: Payroll and Accounts Payable Conflict of Interest & Article 4 (Robin Stern) Town Garage Sale (Robin Stern) Highway […]

Delays to Grafton Town Plan questioned; wind project again aired at Select Board
By Gloria Dufield ©2015 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Grafton Select Board meeting on Monday, April 20, had a good audience despite the rain and ongoing mud season. Board chair Sam Battaglino’s call for public comment resulted in resident Carol Lind thanking the Select Board for their work. But she also asked that members take into […]
Springfield Medical offers free wellness classes in Chester, Springfield
Springfield Medical Care Systems is offering several health and wellness classes during May. These are free and open to the public. For more information or to register, contact Sarah Doyle at the SMCS Community Health Team by email at:, or call 802-886-8946. The schedule is as follows: Learning to Live Well with Diabetes meets […]
Employment fair in Springfield offers potential job opportunities
J ob seekers, mark your calendars for Wednesday, May 20 as the River Valley Workforce Investment Board hosts the 4th annual Employment Fair at the Riverside Middle School, 16 Fairground Road in Springfield. The fair will be open to students only from 1 to 2 p.m. and to the general pubic from 2 to 5 […]

Olympic skier joins Okemo Mountain School Board of Directors
Okemo Mountain School welcomes Julia Ford, member of the 2014 U.S. Olympic Alpine Ski Team, to its Board of Directors. Ford’s roots are grounded in Vermont and Okemo Mountain Resort, where she learned to ski and later attended Okemo Mountain School. “We are delighted to have Julia’s enthusiasm and expertise added to our board,” says […]

Chester blooms with donations for planters, boxes
It’s time to reactivate spring and summer floral displays around Chester by supporting the planter campaign started last spring by the Chester Beautification Committee. While this all-volunteer committee has recently changed its name to Chester Townscape to reflect the broader efforts it has undertaken in the restoration project for the Hearse House and Public Tomb, […]
VSAC offers college-bound seniors a chance to win $50 gift card
May 1 is the last day for most seniors to inform a college of their plans to enroll. Vermont Student Assistance Corp. is joining Reach Higher, the nationwide celebration started by first lady Michelle Obama to encourage students to pursue and complete their education. VSAC invites high school seniors and families to share their decisions […]

Banana cream French toast is out of this world
By Jim Bailey This recipe is out of this world. Making your own creme fraiche is simple and transforms this ordinary breakfast dish into a recipe to serve anytime. Believe it or not, it will take longer to cook this perfect French toast than it will to prepare it. 1/2 cup sugar 2 eggs, […]
UPDATE: Chester Town Office will be closed April 30, May 1 & 4
Chester Town Clerk Deb Aldrich has announced that the town office will be closed on Thursday April 30, Friday May 1 and Monday May 4 for renovations ahead of the installation of new, movable shelving units in the town vault in June. The town office will re-open on Tuesday May 5.

Springfield shooting suspect arrested in S. Londonderry
UPDATE – 9 P.M. APRIL 23 – After being arrested this morning, Gregory Allen Smith was held without bail in Springfield on a warrant from Judge Karen Carroll to face 2nd degree murder charges as a result of the shooting of Wesley Wing in Springfield on April 18. This evening, Judge Robert Gerety ordered Wendy […]
Weston Select Board agenda for Tuesday, April 28
The Weston Select Board will meet on at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 28 at Town Offices, 12 Lawrence Hill Road, for its regular meeting. Below is its agenda. 1. Any Requested Changes to the Agenda: 2. Public Comment: 3. Generator: 4. Back Pack Blower: 5. Right-of-Way: 6. Tax Appreciation Note: 7. Vacant Positions: ZBA – […]

Gravel pit owner challenges Chester figures; Select Board OKs town vote on water project
CORRECTION: The Chester Telegraph incorrectly reported in this article that Dupont Storage, which manufactures efficient movable shelving units, had cut its price for new shelves in the Town Hall vault by $259. In fact, the price was cut by $934. By Shawn Cunningham © 2015 Telegraph Publishing, LLC At its April 15 meeting, the Chester […]
Keene woman arrested for helping fugitive in Wing killing
A 29-year-old Keene, N.H., woman was arrested on Tuesday, April 21 on felony counts of hindering apprehension and witness tampering in an effort to help Gregory Allen Smith avoid arrest in the shooting death of Wesley Wing in Springfield on Saturday, April 18. Keene Police allege that Kristin Walsh attempted to coerce other witnesses and […]

Authorities seek information in suspicious fire on Green Mountain Turnpike
By Shawn Cunningham © 2015 Telegraph Publishing, LLC UPDATE 9 a.m. April 22, 2015: State police investigators confirm that they have not determined the cause of the fire and characterize it as suspicious. The loss of the house and barn are estimated at $250,000 and anyone with information about the fire is asked to call […]

Green Mountain school board OKs funds for use of Greven Field, considers merging some teams
By Gloria Dufield ©2015-The Chester Telegraph Sports seemed to be topic of the moment at the Green Mountain Union High school board meeting on Thursday, April 16 at the high school. It followed an hourlong executive session for a student disciplinary hearing Brendan McNamara, director of Athletics, Facilities and Transportation, kicked off the meeting by […]

CAES board works to smooth over consolidation issues, addresses school nurse concerns
By Gloria Dufield ©2015-Telegraph Publishing LLC Much of the agenda at the Monday, April 13 Chester-Andover School Board meeting reflected the 2013 consolidation of Windsor Southwest Supervisory Union and the Rutland-Windsor Supervisory Union into the Two Rivers Supervisory Union. TRSU’s Innovations in Learning Committee recommended offering limited school choice for grades K-8 within the school district. […]

Annual Ladd Scholarship fundraiser Saturday, April 25
From 6 to 9:30 p.m., on Saturday, April 25, the Chester Rotary will be holding its annual Andrew and Heidi Ladd Scholarship fundraiser at the Fullerton Inn, 40 The Common in Chester. The cost is $20 per person and tickets can be purchased by contacting Malcolm Summers at 875-5886. This event includes a vertical dinner, silent […]

Phase I work begins on Chester Public Tomb
Repair work has begun on Chester’s Public Tomb, on Main Street across from the Green. Built in 1850, the building shelters those who must await burial until after the ground thaws. The repair of the tomb’s walls and slate roof is the first project in Phase I of the combined restoration planned for the Public […]

Police looking for suspect in Springfield shooting death
Springfield Police Department and the Vermont State Police have obtained an arrest warrant for 30-year-old Gregory Allen Smith of Springfield (pictured right) in the shooting death of Wesley Wing in Springfield on Saturday, April 18, 2015 . The warrant states the charge as second-degree murder with bail set at $500,000. According to earlier news reports, […]
Putney Library seeks book donations
The Putney Public Library is seeking book donations to support its annual Book and Plant Sale. DVDs and audiobooks and books of all kinds are welcome. However the library will not accept encyclopedias, magazines, textbooks, Reader’s Digest condensed books and anything that is musty, moldy or in poor condition. Bring donations to the library at […]