All Entries in the "Flood News Updates" Category

Attorney General Clark brings warning about recovery scams to southern Vermont
By Cara Philbin ©2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC Vermont Attorney General Charity Clark hit the road last week to hear from southern Vermont residents impacted by the July floods. Together with Vermont Senate Majority leader Alison Clarkson who represents Windsor County, Stephen Clark of the Small Business Association and Emily McDonnell, a small business advocate in […]

Path of Least Resistance: Flood survivors struggle between the government maze or going it alone Business owners face a different road to recovery
By Cara Philbin ©2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC The federal government unveiled its new Disaster Recovery Center in Springfield last Friday under yet another deluge of rain and crackling thunderstorms, a seemingly new normal for this part of New England. Visitors to this new center, at 100 River St. in the Springfield Health Center, one of […]

FAQ: What does FEMA do; What does the SBA do
Editor’s note: The Federal Emergency Management Agency provided these Frequently Asked Questions. What is the difference between FEMA and SBA? FEMA offers grants to eligible homeowners and renters while SBA offers low interest disaster loans to businesses, homeowners and renters. Who can register with FEMA? Vermont homeowners or renters in Windham, Windsor, Chittenden, Caledonia, Orange, […]

New program offers meal vouchers for area restaurants Vermont Emergency Eats targets flood-impacted residents in Ludlow, Plymouth, Cavendish, Weston, Londonderry
©2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC In an effort to feed disrupted populations in flood ravaged communities in Vermont, beginning on Tuesday, Aug. 8 and running through Thursday, Aug. 31, the Vermont Emergency Eats program will begin signing up residents of Ludlow, Cavendish, Plymouth, Weston and Londonderry for meal vouchers for participating restaurants. To qualify in our […]

FEMA hiring for local recovery efforts
FEMA, in partnership with the State of Vermont, is hiring state residents to assist with recovery from the July floods, severe storms, landslides and mudslides. The agency has several openings for short-term, full-time jobs based at FEMA’s temporary offices in the surrounding areas. The temporary positions are for 120 days, but may be extended based […]

Londonderry, Plainfield FEMA centers to shut down
DDisaster Recovery Centers in Londonderry at Flood Brook School and in Plainfield at Twinfield Union School will close permanently at 7 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 6. The centers will remain open Sunday until then. The schools must get ready for the school year, which begins at the end of August. If you need FEMA or […]

TDS donates $2,000 to help Ludlow
TDS Telecommunications LLC, which maintains an office and services in Ludlow, has made a donation toward local recovery efforts after the community experienced massive flooding in early July. The $2,000 donation was made through the Okemo Valley Chamber of Commerce, which has set up a disaster resources page here. TDS’ office at 111 Main St. […]

Concerts & Caps: More flood relief fund-raisers
©2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Chester Telegraph continues to track efforts to raise funds for those affected by the floods in south-central Vermont. Below is a compilation of events and other opportunities to support those in need. If you know of other such efforts, please e-mail them in the format below, including a description of […]

FEMA sets up long-term Disaster Recovery Center at Flood Brook School Individuals, businesses urged to sign up for assistance
By Cynthia Prairie ©2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Federal Emergency Management Agency has opened a Disaster Recovery Center at the gymnasium of Flood Brook School, at 91 VT-11 in Londonderry, to help those impacted by the floods of Monday, July 10. FEMA and the Small Business Administration will be on hand to help those affected […]

Weston Theater cancels last two shows;
‘Singin’ in the Rain’ moving to Walker Farm Financial losses multiply as damage to Playhouse, other buildings mount
By Cynthia Prairie ©2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC The damage to the Weston Playhouse from the July 10 flooding was so severe that the Weston Theater Company is canceling its last two shows and moving Singin’ in the Rain from the Playhouse to Walker Farm as the final show of the season. This will allow the […]

West River Farmers Market reopens Saturday at Flood Brook School
The West River Farmers Market will be reopening at Flood Brook School, 91 VT-11 in Londonderry, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, July 22. The market’s home site at the junction of Routes 11 and 100 in Londonderry is currently in need of significant repair after last Monday’s flooding. Please respect the grounds […]

Where to donate funds, goods to help families, businesses and organizations
By Cynthia Prairie and Cara Philbin @2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC Small businesses, organizations and individuals have all suffered from the floods of July 10, 2023. Below is a list of fundraising efforts in our communities. We are concentrating on highly local efforts. If you know of other such efforts, please e-mail them in the format […]

Sundays on Hill concert with Counterpoint canceled
Sundays on the Hill in Weston is canceling its concert scheduled for 4 p.m. today, Sunday, July 16 with the Counterpoint Chorus. Extensive damage caused by last week’s flooding at Lawrence Hill Road, throughout Weston and southern Vermont as well as today’s forecast for additional rain with dangerous flash-flooding risk make it best to hold […]

Flooding cancels customer appreciation day
© 2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC Kim Rushford still appreciates his customers, but when flood waters wrecked the driveway to his garage at Route 103 north and carried some of his equipment off the premises, he decided he needed to cancel the Customer Appreciation Day scheduled for Saturday, July 22. For the time being, Rushford, who […]

Bridge closure on Popple Dungeon due to flooding
By Shawn Cunningham © 2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Town of Chester learned Friday night that the abutment for a small bridge on Popple Dungeon Road has been severely undermined and must be closed until further notice. The bridge on Popple Dungeon is just west of Nudist Camp Road and just before the Williams River […]

Road conditions in Chester and Weston
By Shawn Cunningham © 2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC The following lists of road conditions are as of Thursday night, July 14. Work continues in Chester and Weston to make all of the roads passable. Please note, passable means just that. These are not permanent repairs, but fixes to make it possible so that everyone who […]

Londonderry clears more roads, continues to warn about possible flash flooding
©2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC Londonderry Road Crews made great progress on Thursday opening roads. The following roads still remain closed however: Cromack, Glebe View, Goodaleville (Londonderry portion is open, bridge is closed at the town line), Livermore Mills (passable with a truck but very rough), Rowes, Thompsonburg. Also, the expected severe storms for last night […]

Cleanup begins after massive rains wallop region Reports from Londonderry, Weston, Chester and Andover
By Cynthia Prairie and Shawn Cunningham © 2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC The comparisons to Tropical Storm Irene of August 2011 began rolling in over the weekend as the National Weather Service rolled out its rain estimates. By Monday night, at the end of the storm that dropped as much as 9 inches of rain in […]

Ludlow, Cavendish continue cleanups, rescues after historic floods
By Cara Philbin ©2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC Emergency service providers and private citizens in Ludlow and Cavendish continue to work around the clock to clear roads so that displaced residents may eventually return to their homes. Green Mountain Railroad freight service had to be suspended because railroad tracks in both Cavendish and Ludlow collapsed, according […]

Flooding updates from town of Londonderry
The town of Londonderry has issued the following updates this morning, Wednesday, July 12, regarding the impact of this week’s flooding. Londonderry Emergency Operation Center- Hours today are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the town office at 100 Old School St. in South Londonderry. Phone numbers are 802-289-7859 and 802-548-8246 South Londonderry bridge — […]