Archive for February, 2014

Economic development gets a once over at Chester Select Board
After reviews of the financials and other housekeeping at its Feb. 19 meeting, the Chester Select Board turned to two lengthy discussions – one on proposed new water rates and one on economic development with an eye to growing the Grand List, the total assessed value of a town’s taxable real estate. It was noted […]

Andover voters to address alternative energy use, 4% hike in budget
By Cynthia Prairie Andover’s Town Meeting will begin at 10:15 a.m. Saturday, March 1 at Andover Town Hall, 953 Weston Andover Road. Besides electing 12 town officers during a floor vote, Andover voters will also consider exempting from municipal taxes those net metered solar energy systems that are regulated by the state Public Service […]

To the editor: Londonderry Parks Board thanks all for Valentine’s Pingree Park fund-raiser
The Londonderry Parks Board would like to thank the community for its support of the Valentine’s Day Dance at Magic Mountain. An excellent crowd came to hear a great band and win some fantastic prizes. The dance was a smashing success and helped raise an additional $1,030 for the Pingree Park Revitalization Project. The […]

Londonderry to vote on eliminating auditors, lengthening terms of town clerk, treasurer
By Cynthia Prairie Among items under consideration for Londonderry voters during Town Meeting next week is Article 4 to eliminate the post of auditor, which has three three-year slots, two of which are up for election, and Article 3 to lengthen the terms of town clerk and treasurer, which are currently one-year terms, to […]

$385,000 in capital expenditures face vote at Chester Town Meeting
This article was originally published on Jan. 29, 2014. We republish it as a service to our Chester readers who will be voting at Town Meeting and on Election Day. By Cynthia Prairie Chester town voters will be addressing expenditure requests for 14 articles during Town Meeting, 10 of those requests from petition drives […]

Triple your pleasure with chocolate dipped chocolate biscotti
By Jim Bailey Many food historians mention that biscotti (biscuits) have been around for many centuries, having been enjoyed since Pliny the Elder before the birth of Christ. He is said to have mentioned that these hard, dry biscuits would last for centuries without going bad. Whether they are called rusks in the British […]
Chester Development Review Board agenda for Feb. 24, 2014
The Chester Development Review Board is scheduled to meet at 6 p.m. Monday, Feb. 24 at Chester Town Hall, 556 Elm St. Below is its current agenda. Check back for any updates. 1) Review minutes from the Feb. 10 meeting 2) Comments from citizens 3) Deliberative session to review the above and previous matters

Environmental Court OK’s Dollar General with conditions
By Cynthia Prairie Concluding that pertinent segments of Chester’s Town Plan are “aspirational” and not mandatory and that, even though the project will have an adverse impact, it will not be an undue impact, Environmental Court Judge Thomas Walsh has ruled that a 9,100-square-foot Dollar General can be built on Main Street in Chester. […]

Heidi Ladd, 65, loving wife and mother was active in her Chester community
Heidi Buxton Ladd, 65, of Chester, died unexpectedly as a result of injuries sustained in a accident at her family farm on Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2014. Mrs. Ladd was born in Concord, MA, the daughter of Devena Kidder and Harold Buxton. She spent her youth in Acton, MA, graduating with a Bachelor’s degree […]

Georgette Thomas, 83, beloved owner of the Hugging Bear
Georgette Thomas, 83, of Chester, died peacefully on Feb. 13 after a battle with pancreatic cancer. She was best known and adored as the innkeeper of the Hugging Bear Inn & Shoppe in Chester, her business and passion since 1982. She is survived by her sister Phyllis; her children Laura, Paul and his […]
Forum on Cavendish ballot issues set for Feb. 25
The Cavendish Community and Conservation Association will hold an informational meeting for all Cavendish citizens and residents on the Tuesday, Feb. 25 prior the March 3 town meeting. The forum begins at 6:30 p.m. at the Cavendish Town Offices, 37 High St. in Cavendish. The meeting will address the issues on this year’s town meeting […]

A simple recipe turns out a spiced coconut candy
By Jim Bailey More often than not, you can find coconut candies attributed to India or another country that uses cardamom as the flavor profile in this hard candy. I think you will find my Yanked version is a refreshingly different taste and one that children as well as the adults will enjoy. Refer […]
To the editor: Vote yes for Whiting Library at Chester Town Meeting
The Whiting Library Board of Trustees encourages all Chester voters to attend Town Meeting on Monday, March 3 to support your public library and vote yes on Article 5. Article 5 seeks $119,820, less any grant funds received, for the purpose of restoring the Whiting Library building. Any funds borrowed will be financed for a […]
Chester Select Board agenda for Wednesday Feb. 19, 2014
The Chester Select Board will meet at 7 p.m. Feb. 19 at the Chester Town Hall, 556 Elm St. Below is its agenda. Approve Minutes from Feb. 5, 2014| Citizen Comments Old Business License to Sell Malt & Vinous Beverages Jiffy Mart License to Sell Tobacco Jiffy Mart Financial Update General Fund Water & Sewer […]
GMUHS posts 2nd quarter Honor Roll
Green Mountain Union High School has announced its Honor Roll for the 2nd Quarter. Honors Middle School Honors are earned by those students with one off-setting grade not below a C-. (There must be an A+, A, or A- to offset the one grade of a C+, C or C-). High School Honors means that […]

DRB upholds Dollar General OK, clarifies findings
In a much anticipated move, the Chester Development Review Board has issued clarified findings of fact and conclusions of law in the conditional use permit application of Zaremba Group LLC to build a 9,100-square-foot Dollar General store on Main Street across from the Country Girl Diner. The five-member board (four of whom have been […]

Sunday morning fire destroys home on Trebo Road
UPDATE: How you can help, below the story. A single-family home on Trebo Road, about a half a mile from Route 103 North, was destroyed Sunday morning in a fire that also injured two residents and apparently collapsed portions of the building “fairly quickly,” Chester Fire Chief Matt Wilson said in an interview on […]

Bulkies and basketball: Fund-raisers fuel Lindsey Sturtevant fund
By Cynthia Prairie ON THE COVER: The bulkie team at Lisai’s prepares sandwiches for last Thursday’s fund-raiser for Lindsey Sturtevant and her family. Almost $6,000 was raised Thursday during two fund-raising events for Lindsey Sturtevant, the Chester 12-year-old who is preparing for a second bone marrow transplant after her first one — six years ago […]

New chef at Weathersfield Inn; nominees sought for preservation awards; $1 million grant for telemedicine; Vermont dairies honored for quality milk
Weathersfield Inn hires new executive chef PERKINSVILLE The Inn at Weathersfield, noted as one of the top 10 culinary inns by Bon Appetit magazine, has named Jean-Luc Matécat as executive chef. Matécat’s responsibilities include creating and overseeing the culinary experience for both inn and dinner guests, teaching classes at the inn’s non-professional classroom studio, The […]
To the editor: Absurd arguments against Affordable Care Act
I am so disturbed at the recent flurry of pundit and political comments insisting that the recent Congressional Budget Office report insinuates that the Affordable Healthcare Act will cause the loss of millions of jobs or that the ACA is an incentive for people not to work. This is an absurd stretch of prediction and […]