Archive for January, 2012

State puts halt to construction at Jack’s Diner
By Cynthia Prairie Construction has been silenced at Jack’s Diner since Wednesday, Jan. 25, when an assistant state Fire Marshal issued a stop-work order on the expansion efforts. Landon Wheeler, the assistant state Fire Marshal, said on Monday, Jan. 30, that he issued the order after owner Jacques Dodier failed to comply with requests for […]

Grateful Garden Seed Sale Begins
The 2012 Grateful Garden Seed Sale begins Wednesday Feb. 1, Carrie Roy King announced over the weekend. You can purchase your Fedco garden seeds from The Grateful Garden and help raise money to repair damage caused by Tropical Storm Irene. The garden, part of Chester-Andover Elementary School, has been declared safe by the UVM Agricultural […]

TARPS wins $2,000 in grants
Susan Lampe-Wilson of The Animal Rescue and Protection Society in Chester has announced that the shelter has been awarded’s top prize for Vermont in Rounds 1 and 3 of its Shelter Challenge. TARPS’ shelter has received two grant checks for $1,000 each. The Shelter Challenge is a partnership between The Animal Rescue Site and […]

Town Meeting reverts to Town Hall; Pellett runs for selectboard
Only 25 to 30 voters braved the icy roads on Monday night, Jan. 23, to vote at Green Mountain Union High School on two articles that will change the date and place of this year’s town meeting, Town Clerk Deb Aldrich said today. The meeting lasted for about five minutes, she added. On a quick […]

Chester Farmers Market to close
The eight-year-old Chester Farmers Market won’t be returning for the 2012 season, its officers have announced. For the past five years, vendors had set up at the Zachary’s Pizza House parking lot every Sunday from Memorial Day weekend through Columbus Day weekend. Shawn Cunningham, market vice president, said a combination of factors lead to the […]

Chester in 2010: A Snapshot
We are mostly white, middle-aged and female and most of us live in a home that we either own or is owned by a family member. This is Chester 2010, according to the most recent figures from the U.S. Census, which are being released throughout the year. Among our population of 3,154 (up 110 residents […]

Residents Testify Against Dollar General
By Cynthia Prairie Monday’s hearing on the conditional use permit sought to allow construction of a Dollar General store was more emotional and contentious than previous ones, this time with several members of the Development Review Board expressing doubt about the project and more Chester residents testifying against it. Within the next two weeks, the […]

New Voices at Misty Valley Books
Misty Valley Books presents its 18th Annual New Voices Authors Weekend on Saturday, Jan. 28. Beginning at 9:30 a.m., everyone is invited to go cross-country skiing and snow-shoeing with the authors at the Grafton Ponds (843-2231) 2 p.m., join the authors for their readings and a reception. This year, to be held at the Vermont […]