Brown pleads not guilty to charges in wall painting
© 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Londonderry restaurant owner Ed Brown pleaded not guilty to a charge of unlawful mischief in Windham County Superior Court, Criminal Division this afternoon, according to a court employee. The charges stem from Brown painting over a student-designed mural on a state-owned concrete wall across from his restaurant’s parking lot on […]

Business Ticker
Greetings from The Chester Telegraph’s Business Ticker, where information about business development, changes and interests, both local and statewide, can be found. My name is Renee Nied and I am taking over this column after recently relocating to Chester from Upstate New York. Through the Business Ticker, I hope we can find one other. Then […]

Sunny skies, lots of snow brighten Chester Winter Carnival 2017
The annual Chester Winter Carnival was held last weekend with plenty of sun and snow. In addition to sliding, broom hockey, horse drawn sleigh rides and pie tasting, there was disc golf and a snowshoe hike planned. While temperatures in the 50s were delightful during the day, the rink conditions deteriorated to a point where […]
Grafton Select Board emergency meeting set for Wednesday, May 13, 2015
The Grafton Select Board will hold an emergency meeting at Town Hall, 117 Main St., in Grafton, on Wednesday May 13, 2015 at noon. The agenda is below. 1. Public Comment 2. Adopt Agenda 3. Truck Plow and Body Package Bid Award 4. Date of Next Meeting: Monday, May 18, 2015, 6 p.m. at the […]
Organizations donate $3,400 to Chester-Andover Family Center
The Chester-Andover Family Center has recently received $3,400 in financial donations from three organizations. Following a House Warming fund-raiser at Baba a Louis Bakery in Chester, the Chester-Andover Democratic Committee was able to present a check for $1,700 to the Family center’s fuel assistance fund to help local families who are struggling financially and cannot pay […]

Hazard Mitigation Plan adopted; sidewalk grants sought
By Karen Zuppinger An updated Hazard Mitigation Plan, which FEMA requires of cities and towns if they are to receive federal aid, was adopted in a special meeting by the Select Board Monday, Aug. 20, delayed almost a week because the board had failed to read the document by last Wednesday, Aug. 15. During last […]

Primary Election races and a chance to support the Family Center
With three major parties on the ballot, few candidates running opposed and no Chester races – state Rep. Leigh Dakin of Chester is unopposed in the Primary and the General Election — there’s a good chance that poll workers at Town Hall will have a quiet day on Primary Election Day, Tuesday, Aug. 28. At […]
News in Brief: Citizens United, Food Sovereignty resolutions up for vote
Two non-budgetary resolutions that will be voted on Monday, March 5 are Articles 21 and 22. The first is U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders’ resolution urging the state Congressional delegation to propose a constitutional amendment to declare that money is not speech and that corporations are not people. This is an attempt to overturn the U.S. […]
Business in Brief: Dollar General hearing March 12
Next DRB Hearing on Dollar General Set for March 12 The Development Review Board will reconvene its hearing for a conditional use permit for the Zaremba Group to build a 9,100-square-foot Dollar General store next to the Zachary’s Pizza House building at 7 p.m. Monday March 12 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. A […]

Dollar General hearing delayed til March
The Chester Development Review Board has postponed the Feb. 13 continuance hearing on the Dollar General request for a conditional use permit, Zoning Administrator Michael Normyle has announced. The hearing will be delayed until Monday, March 12, at the request of the applicant, the Zaremba Group, the company that is proposing to build the 9,100-square-foot […]

Chester Farmers Market to close
The eight-year-old Chester Farmers Market won’t be returning for the 2012 season, its officers have announced. For the past five years, vendors had set up at the Zachary’s Pizza House parking lot every Sunday from Memorial Day weekend through Columbus Day weekend. Shawn Cunningham, market vice president, said a combination of factors lead to the […]