Archive for June, 2013
Select Board meeting agenda for July 3, 2013
The Chester Select Board will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 3 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. Below is the agenda. Approve Minutes from June 19, 2013 Selectboard Meeting Citizen Comments Old Business Set Chester Property Tax Rate Sidewalk Local Concerns Meeting Economic Development Discussion Web-Site Upgrade Vermont Drinking Water Loan Program Initial Phase […]

Pinnacle playset OK’d despite Suursoo’s fiscal objections
By Karen Zuppinger Expecting a pro forma go-ahead for an already-approved toddler playground project at the Pinnacle Recreation Area, Matt McCarthy and Julie Hance found themselves in a protracted tug of war with Select Board member Derek Suursoo at the June 19 Chester Select Board meeting. The project, when first presented to the board, was […]

A fresh start, a new name for the WAAWWE market
By Cynthia Prairie It’s 10 days to relaunch and the four women around the picnic table are excited. Not only does it seem that the summer has finally taken hold in Southern Vermont, but their surroundings are in disarray, a happy dishevelment of reconstruction, rebuilding, renewal. Across the parking lot, the bright and […]

Under perfect skies, 41 graduate from GMUHS
ON THE COVER: Ann-Marie Toussaint gets a kiss from her nephew during graduation ceremonies. The 41 members of the Green Mountain Union High School Class of 2013 graduated under perfect skies on Friday evening, June 21 on the grounds of the school. In attendance were family and friends of the graduates as well as members […]
Apartment application, sand & gravel extraction proposed before DRB
The Chester Development Review Board took a look at two new conditional use permit applications during its Monday, June 24 meeting. After a site visit to 18 S. Main St., the board accepted the application and exhibits for Scarlett Veil, LLC, a company owned by the Meyer family,for a renovation and adaptive reuse of a […]

Chester Summer Concert Series begins; Okemo hosts music fest; Springfield Rotary scholarship winners
Chester’s 2013 Summer Concert Series returns to the Academy Building lawn in downtown Chester with five Thursday night concerts from 6:30-8 p.m. starting July 11. The concerts are free and attendees are invited to bring blankets and lawn chairs for seating. Kicking off the series on July 11 is Gypsy Reel with music rooted in […]
To the editor: Thank you GMUHS community
Thank you for supporting the Class of 2013 at its graduation ceremony on June 21, 2013. The Green Mountain Union High School campus was beautifully prepared and the ceremony went very well. Speeches by the valedictorian, Jess Ralston, and the salutatorian, Katie McNally, were heartfelt and delivered with passion. The graduation was well-attended and the […]

Stormy Monday downs trees in Chester
By Karen Zuppinger Chester was hit with several storms on Monday, June 17 that produced hail and gusting winds strong enough to toss lawn furniture and topple trees, damaging roofs and fences. Charlea Baker returned to her River Street home to find an 80-foot-tall, 90-year-old Norway spruce crushing her neighbor’s fence. “I couldn’t believe my […]
SMCS moves patient financial services to 100 River St.
Beginning Monday, July 1, all patient financial service functions of the Springfield Medical Care Systems will be located at the Springfield Health Center, 100 River St. in Springfield. “We have new billing technology and bringing all services to one location will help us improve efficiency and provide better service for our patients,” said Pat Knapp, […]

In the battle of the wings, can New England beat Buffalo?
By Jim Bailey Buffalo vs. New England Ahhhh, that long-time rival. In my home, my oldest boy (15 years old) loves to walk against traffic. He has always liked Buffalo even though he is a 12th generation Yankee. Well, at least football food will still keep us together regardless of who we root for. […]
To the editor: Addiction recovery is possible
Lives will be saved by last week’s drug arrests by our public safety officers, and the community should be grateful for this intervention. Addiction is a progressive, life-threatening, often fatal disease. However, treatment is available. There is no cure, but long-lasting recovery is possible for all addicts. Many people first come to understand that they suffer from addiction when a major arrest occurs, as easy access to the addictive drug is interrupted. Symptoms of acute […]
Development Review Board for June 24, 2013
The Chester Development Review Board, an independent, quasi-judicial body, meets Monday, June 24 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. The DRB begins at 5:30 p.m. with a site visit at 18 S. Main St. Its public hearing begins at 6 p.m. The Agenda 1. Review minutes of the June 10th meeting. 2. Scarlet Veil LLC-Meyer […]

Brianna Luman: getting a kick out of martial arts
By Greg Hart Sports editor Twelve year old Chester resident Brianna Luman is headed to Ireland in August for the World Martial Arts Games. The Green Mountain Middle schooler has been training hard and fundraising for the competition in Dublin where she will compete with athletes from more than 60 countries. Martial arts requires discipline […]

Depression author at Misty Valley; temporary digs for Rockingham Library; Weston opening & Cavendish Music Series.
Brattleboro author David Blistein will talk about his book, David’s Inferno, My Journey through the Dark Wood of Depression, at 4 p.m. Sunday, June 23 at Misty Valley Books, 58 the Common, followed by a reception and book signing. With a forward by Ken Burns, David’s Inferno combines intensely personal reminiscences of the author’s two-year nervous […]

CAES arts & literary e-zine, Zeenalini, now in its 4th year
On the cover: Students work on the magazine; one student’s offering and the latest Zeenalini cover. By Wendy Svec Zeenalini, the arts and literary online magazine of Chester-Andover Elementary School, now in its fourth year, has published the works of more than 50 local students in its latest edition. Any student, ages 5 to 12, […]

Count on this Yankee Monte Cristo to satisfy
By Jim Bailey I love taking classics and revamping them in totally unexpected ways. Although Swiss cheese and ham on bread that had been dunked in egg before grilling is delicious on its own, I found that by substituting a New England-flavored batter for the stand-by egg coating created a beautifully textured and deliciously […]

Ralston valedictorian, McNally salutatorian of GMUHS Class of 2013
Jessica Ralston has been named valedictorian of Green Mountain High School’s Class of 2013 and Katie McNally has been named its salutatorian, the school has announced. A valedictorian is chosen to give the closing speech of a school’s graduating class, and that honor usually is conferred on the person achieving the highest in academic excellence […]
Select Board agenda for June 19
The Chester Select Board meets at 7 p.m. June 19 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. in Chester. Below is its agenda. Approve June 5, 2013 Selectboard Minutes Citizen Comments Old Business DRB appointments Ken Barrett Mark Curran Playground Equipment Update Grant Update; Julie Hance Storm Water Library Funding Financial Update General Fund Water & […]

Judge sends Dollar General OK back to DRB for clarifications
UPDATE: Chester to convene DRB hearing to get clarifications. See the 2nd section below for the press release. By Cynthia Prairie The judge reviewing the Chester Development Review Board’s April 2012 approval of a Dollar General store for Main Street has remanded the decision back to the DRB for a number clarifications. In effect, the […]

Solar firm changes fence, number of panels for Trebo Road project
After making specific changes to its initial plans, Solar Renewable Energy Development LLC has presented a Memorandum of Understanding to the Chester Select Board in hopes of quick approval of the certificate of public good so that it could move ahead with its solar farm installation at Trebo Road off Route 103 North. The certificate […]