Green Mountain’s Virtual Graduation Walk Kameron Cummings

© 2020 Telegraph Publishing, LLC

Each day from May 2 until June 18, The Chester Telegraph will spotlight one member of the Green Mountain High School’s class of 2020. While nothing can replace the thrill of walking across the stage to receive your diploma at your high school graduation, we hope this moment “on stage” in front of your family, friends and community will give you some small joy and a memory to take with you.

Kameron Alexander Cummings

Kameron loves spending his time teaching himself new flips and tricks on his trampoline. He has volunteered his time as a member of Student Government, Co-President for the Class of 2020, a member of the National Honor Society, and on the prom committee. Kameron has been on several Iron Chef teams and is an active member of Circle. He has participated on both the Green Mountain Union High School Track and Field team and the Cross Country team. His happiest and most unforgettable moments during his years at GMUHS happened during the many annual Middle School Lock-ins and organizing the LGBTQ+ Youth Summit with Circle. If there’s one thing he still wonders about after this education, it is, “Why don’t we use the metric system?” Not to be specific or anything but he imagines himself rolling up to his 15 year class reunion in a solar powered motorcycle with a sidecar fully equipped with a gerbil wearing an orange snapback, a duck with pilot glasses, and a turtle with a sailor’s hat. Kam’s final shout out is, “I just want to thank my friends Angelae, Laurel, Olivia and Alyssa for making my time at Green Mountain so memorable and enjoyable. Love y’all!”  Kam will be attending Binghamton University to major in Biology, doing research in molecular and biomedical anthropology while in college, with the hopes of becoming a research scientist after graduating!

View the Green Mountain High School Class of 2020 gallery

After leaving the stage, each student’s photo will become part of the Class of 2020 gallery. We want to thank Becky Bushey and Kelly Goodrich for their work in pulling together photos and text and Principal Lauren Fierman and the GM Guidance Office and our advertisers for making it possible.


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