Archive for January, 2017

Op-ed: Vermont needs an independent Ethics Commission now
By Jim Condos Vermont Secretary of State The Vermont Constitution (Chapter 1, Article 6) demands that our elected officials are open, transparent and accountable. The authors understood how transparency in government is the very basis of trust. State statute also demands access and accountability: It is the policy of this subchapter to provide for free […]

Four TRSU towns look to merge; Ludlow, Mt. Holly seek ‘Plan B’
By Shawn Cunningham © 2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC After presentations on the scenario recommended by its superintendent and often emotional but inconclusive discussions of the plan, the Two Rivers Supervisory Union Act 46 Study Committee voted to allow Andover, Baltimore, Cavendish and Chester to study forming a Regional Education District (RED) within TRSU. That subcommittee […]

Weston Playhouse to offer free video theater classes
The Weston Playhouse Theatre Company’s Weston 101 series returns in February for its second year in a brand-new format: The six engaging and insightful videos about the up-coming season will now be free and easy to view directly on the Weston Playhouse website. Hosted by Piper Gooeve, WPTC director of education/artistic associate, Weston 101 will […]

Cash stolen in burglary at Grafton Elementary
© 2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC A small amount of cash was stolen over the weekend from the Grafton Elementary School, Vermont State Police have announced. Police say a burglar entered the school, at 58 School St., and took cash from the school’s office. Police say they are not sure how the burglar was able to get […]

Comedy night to benefit Flood Brook student activities
The Flood Brook Student Activities Cooperative is hosting a parents night out comedy fund-raiser to benefit curricular and extracurricular enrichment activities for the students of Flood Brook School. The event will be held at 8 p.m. Friday, Feb. 3 at Magic Mountain Base Lodge. Comedians Tom Hayes, Mark Scalia and Rob Steen will be performing. […]

AMVETS Vermont Post seeks new members
American Veterans Vermont Post 1 are inviting those who have served or who are currently serving in the United States military to join Vermontʼs only post of AMVETS. AMVETS is open to all veterans regardless of what time period you served. It also accepts National Guard and Reservists without the need of having any active […]

Town planning as entertainment? Chester residents invited to video talk on small town revitalization
©2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC Chester residents and business owners are invited to a screening of an engaging and often humorous video talk by Orton Foundation trustee Ed McMahon Jr. titled Where Am I? The Power of Uniqueness, about the transformation of small towns in America that embrace their own special qualities. Kelly Arrison, a member […]

Spice up your weekend with Mexican chocolate bars
By Jim Bailey A little bit of heat with a touch of cinnamon make this flourless cake a true dedication to the Incan heritage of chocolate. By mixing everything right in the pan, you will abide by the best rule of thumb when it comes to a moist cake — keeping everything warm. Plus […]

Derry board OKs article on shed spending capped at $200,000
By Bruce Frauman © 2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC As expected, the Londonderry Select Board on Tuesday Jan. 17, agreed to ask voters at Town Meeting to fund a new wooden salt and sand shed for a total “not to exceed $200,000.” While the wooden structure itself is expected to cost around $59,000, the bulk of the […]

Act 46 RED Sub-committee agenda for Jan. 24, 2017
The Act 46 RED (Regional Education District) Sub-committee, with members from Andover, Baltimore, Cavendish and Chester, will meet from 6 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 24 at Andover Town Hall, 953 Weston-Andover Road. Below is its agenda. 6 p.m. Welcome Review membership of sub-committee—representatives from Andover, Baltimore, Cavendish, Chester. Review Agenda Elect a chair […]

UPDATE: I-91 Bridge work in Rockingham
The Vermont Agency of Transportation has begun replacing the bridges on I-91 over the Williams River in Rockingham. The projected completion date is May 18, 2020. Here is the anticipated construction schedule from Jan. 20, 2017. I-91 southbound travel lane only (right lane) over the bridge remains closed until approximately 01/24/17 to allow crews to […]

Caretakers save animals during fire at Springfield vet clinic
Photos and videos by Shawn Cunningham By Shawn Cunningham © 2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC A fire damaged the Springfield Animal Hospital tonight, Thursday, Jan. 19, but quick action by employees saved all of the animals who were staying at the facility and firefighters were able to knock down the fire quickly. Just before 8:30 p.m., […]

Act 46 panel reverses course, looks at ‘scenarios’ to save BRHS, meets in Chester tonight
By Shawn Cunningham © 2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC Last month, the Two Rivers Supervisory Union’s Act 46 Merger Study Committee voted to set aside all but one of the options it had considered and move forward on consolidating into a single district. But by its next meeting – on Jan. 11 – “a cluster” of […]

CAES assembly suits kids to a T
© 2017 Telegraph Publishing Photos by Cynthia Prairie Wearing bright red T-shirts and filing into the auditorium at Chester-Andover Elementary School, the 200 pupils were ready to take their places for the first all-school picture that anyone could remember. Older students came first, followed by the younger, then the youngest — and the most fidgety […]

Telegraph offers free listings in its business directory; Future Business Leaders seeks judges
The Chester Telegraph is offering area businesses a free listing in its Regional Business Directory, which currently lists more than 100 businesses and organizations and is used thousands of times every year. Each business listing includes the name of the business and telephone number, a description of the business, photos, links to the company website […]

To the editor: Scientists foresaw destabilizing climate change 30 years ago
In cleaning out some old papers, I stumbled on a New York Times article from March 20, 1988 titled “Instability of Climate Defies Computer Analysis” that I had cut out and saved. I believe that it was the first time I had encountered the concept of climate change and found it so intriguing that the […]

To the editor: Reform alimony support and maintenance laws
The men and women of Vermont Alimony Reform brought the issue of antiquated spousal support and maintenance laws to the attention of the legislature when we testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee last spring. According to the most recent statistics, about 3.5 of every 1,000 Vermonters are divorced every year. Each year, that means almost […]

UPDATE: Special Chester Select Board hearing for Jan. 19, 2017
UPDATE: The interviews of candidates for the Planning Commission and Development Review Board have been canceled. The Chester Select Board will be holding a special meeting at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 19 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. Below is its agenda. 1. Citizens Comments 2. Sign Town Warning 3. Discuss review process used […]

Op-ed: In its latest test, the Electoral College failed
By Dick McCormack I have received many communications from folks indignant that the presidential candidate who got the most votes was not elected president by the Electoral College. These folks recognize that a constitutional amendment abolishing the Electoral College is unlikely, and so focus their concerns on defending Vermont’s existing National Popular Vote law. I’m […]

College News
The following students have been named to the Fall 2016 Dean’s List at the University of Vermont, based in Burlington. To be named to the Dean’s List, students must have a grade-point average of 3.0 or better and rank in the top 20 percent of their class in their respective college or school. Kathleen Bourque […]