Grateful Garden Seed Sale Begins

The 2012 Grateful Garden Seed Sale begins Wednesday Feb. 1, Carrie Roy King announced over the weekend. You can purchase your Fedco garden seeds from The Grateful Garden and help raise money to repair damage caused by Tropical Storm Irene.

The garden, part of Chester-Andover Elementary School, has been declared safe by the UVM Agricultural & Environmental Testing Lab.  But extensive damage was still done to fencing and the soils need to be replenished.

You can choose from two lists: 25 types of GMO-free seeds for $1.60 a pack and 25 organic seeds for $2.20 a pack. Beans, zukes, cukes, tomatoes, pumpkins, broccoli, lettuce carrots, herbs and flowers are among the offerings. being offered. Download the forms at and

The order forms contain the descriptive plant information that has made Fedco famous. Order forms and a check or cash can be returned to your child’s teacher or mailed to The Grateful Garden @ CAES , 72 Main St., Chester, VT 05143.

This 3rd annual seed sale run through March 3rd with seeds being distributed by late March. Please contact King at or Jana Bryan Wunderle at for more information.

The mission of the Grateful Garden is: (1) to provide place-based enrichment opportunities in science, art, math, writing, geography and civics; (2) to provide healthy food to students and to connect them to the source of their food; and (3) to support community gardeners. The Grateful Garden is a volunteer effort that applies organic and sustainable gardening principles and actions.

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  1. Carrie King says:

    You can download the Grateful Garden Seed Sale order forms by going to our blog and clicking on the right hand column where it says: Seed Sale 2012!

    Also, check out the garden photos and blog entries to get through history of The Grateful Garden, the school and community garden in Chester.