Family center bear goes to Misty Valley Books; Now name it!

Bill Reed of Misty Valley Books is holding a bear-naming contest. The winner will receive a gift certificate from the bookstore./CAFC photo

Bill Reed of Misty Valley Books has won the 30-inch chainsaw-carved bear that was raffled off last week by the Chester-Andover Family Center. The bear is making its new den in the children’s section of the bookstore.

Reed said that Misty Valley is holding a bear-naming contest. Come into the bookstore, submit a proposed name for the bear with your name and contact info. The person whose submission is drawn at 10 a.m. Monday July 23 will receive a gift certificate to the bookstore. You don’t have to be in attendance to win.

The nameless bear was carved by Barre Pinske, who donated it as a fund raiser. The center is just $51 short of its goal of $500 for the fund-raiser. Checks can be made out to the Chester-Andover Family Center and mailed to P. O. Box 302, Chester, VT 05143. Please indicate “Bear Fund” on your check.

The center continually works to meet the need for food and emergency assistance in Chester and Andover and is able to do so with your very generous donations. Shop hours are Tuesdays and Fridays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Wednesdays 1 to 7 p.m. and Saturdays 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. CAFC is located at 656 Depot St. (P.O. Box 302), Chester, VT 05143. You can also reach the center at 802-875-3236, and its website

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  1. Katherine says:

    Milne. Who knew a bit about a bear.