Economic development for Chester: What does it mean to you?

© 2016 Telegraph Publishing LLC

Telegraph logoOn Monday Feb. 1, the Chester Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to take suggestions and comments to use in drafting a new section about economic development for the Chester Town Plan.

Several organizations — including the Chester Economic Development Committee, the Springfield Regional Development Corp. and the Okemo Valley Chamber — are expected to make presentations, but the general public is also invited to contribute to the conversation.

This new section is mandated by the state of Vermont and the town is receiving the assistance and guidance of the Southern Windsor Regional Planning Commission in drafting it. Information on the session format and some “guiding questions” have been prepared to focus the discussion.

What is economic development?

But a really basic question is “What is economic development?” What does it mean to you? The Telegraph would like to start the conversation by asking readers what they think it is and what it can do for Chester and the surrounding area. Use the comment section at the bottom of this page to share your thoughts. The Telegraph also will compile them and give them to the Planning Commission before the meeting.

The Feb. 1 meeting will be held at 6 p.m. at Chester Town Hall, 556 Elm St. Southern Windsor County Regional Development has prepared a website where documents and other information will be posted in the future.

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Filed Under: Chester Economic Development Corp.Chester Planning CommissionFeaturedLatest News

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  1. John Grady says:

    The Aldi’s truck drives right through town. They have opened stores in Bennington, Rutland, Brattleboro and Keene.

    There’s a new distribution center in South Windsor Conn. which is just north of Hartford. They probably have their eye on Springfield so Chester might want to beat them to the punch.

    They haven’t expanded up I-91 past Brattleboro and probably have plans to.

    It’s food, jobs, tax revenue and will bring people into town from surrounding towns.