Chester police capture fugitive

© 2016 Telegraph Publishing, LLC

Osvaldo Dejesus

Osvaldo Dejesus

Today, using information on a vehicle driven by a suspect involved in a stabbing in Keene, New Hampshire, Chester Police Officers were able to locate Osvaldo Dejesus, 30, of Hinsdale New Hampshire, at a residence on South Main Street between the construction sites for Dollar General and Jiffy Mart. As officers located the suspect vehicle at the residence, Dejesus fled on foot into the Jiffy Mart site, and attempted to find a vehicle with an ignition key. Officers quickly intercepted Dejesus at an entrance point of the construction area as he was tried to flee in a contractor’s pickup truck. While police attempted to take Dejesus into custody, he resisted arrest and repeatedly tried to unholster one of the officer’s weapons. Dejesus was taken into custody and found to have 15 grams of what police suspect to be raw heroin. Dejesus was processed and is being held at Southern State Correctional Facility on $100,000 bail.

Filed Under: ChesterLatest News

About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.

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  1. Barre Pinske says:

    This is what we are looking at. Having to rent out our buildings to maintain some sort of income rather than having families or charming shops in them. You have to jump through hoops to open and maintain a business but you can divide a building up and rent to anyone.

    I keep saying we need to do more to attract artists and crafters to move here. The property this guy went to is another good location for a shop. It looks like they may have a shop there already with the amount of dope that guy had. We should get them a sign “Heroin Sold Here” so we all know what’s going on there.

    I commend our law enforcement for their efforts and am sorry they are endangering themselves with this sort of character. Addiction makes people desperate and crazy. It’s sad all the way around. We really need to get a good plan and some good businesses in our town or this sort of thing will continue get worse.

    Our economic development people are not stepping up to the plate. A lot of people are getting good pay and good benefits from the State to move our economy forward. Maybe if their income was a reflection of their success – like it is for a Mom and Pop biz – they would work harder to figure things out. Maybe those sorts of jobs should be eliminated to reduce taxes and let things work more naturally in the private sector.