Rotary donates $3,000 to GMUHS for theater light upgrade

From left, Rotarian Malcolm Summers presents a check to Christine Saul and Cindi Austin.

The Chester Rotary, in mid-February, presented a check for almost $3,000 to Green Mountain Union High School to help defray the cost of a basic upgrade to the lighting system in the school auditorium/theater.

On Thursday, Feb. 16, Green Mountain Union music teacher Cindi Austin and drama/band teacher Christine Saul spoke to Chester Rotarians and Interact students at the Rotary breakfast at the Fullerton Inn in Chester.

Austin, an 18-year veteran of the school, spoke about The Young Americans program coming to the school in September, the upcoming production of the Wizard of Oz and the need to upgrade the auditorium stage lights. The Young Americans will be performing and working on performance techniques with GM students. To house the Young Americans during their stay, Austin is looking for 25 host families.

For the first time, the GMUHS drama and music departments will be presenting The Wizard of Oz for their spring production. What has become apparent as they practice for the performance is that the lighting system is woefully inadequate and needs to be upgraded. At the conclusion of the meeting, Rotarian Malcolm Summers presented Austin and Saul a check for $2,862.07 to help defray the cost of the basic upgrade.

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