To the editor: Chester committee needs your help

The Chester Economic Development Committee is a group dedicated to stimulating the Chester economy. A marketing plan has been established, the first steps of which are detailed below. However, the CEDC needs your support and your photo contributions to help facilitate it.

High Speed Internet Access

The CEDC is discussing how to leverage the town’s high-speed internet access to attract both residents and businesses to Chester. With the high volume of ski traffic passing through town during the winter months, we are exploring what can be done to quickly get this message out and over the longer-term, how to build this information into electronic and paper promotions for Chester.

Chester Calendar

A key component of the Chester Brochure is the 2017-2018 Calendar of Events, which lists events for every month. If any group you are active in has an event planned between May 2017 and April 2018, please let the Brochure Committee know about your activity: (email: Steven Davis at We need the name, dates and times for your event. Also, each church group can have one event listed in the calendar.

Chester Brochure Web-Site

The Brochure Committee has selected Katherine Hamlin of Blue Pen Industries to develop a website promoting the businesses listed in the brochure and the activities, events and services available in and around Chester. We plan to launch the website in conjunction with the distribution of the new brochures in May.

To that end, we need photographs for the website showing the energy, diversity and range of activities available in the area. Action photos with people are critical to our plans for this website and we need help. Please email any photos that you have that you would be willing to have used to the email address above.

Steven Davis

Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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