Chester, Ludlow quilters bring home myriad awards
The Chester Telegraph | Jun 27, 2017 | Comments 0
Ribbons for exceptional merit are won for scoring 98-100 points out of 100.

From left Lynn Way, Norma Ippolito, Carolyn Niesuchouski, Dona McKenzie and Mara Novak in front of their winning quilt, ‘White Out.’
Their submission, White Out was created by Chester residents Norma Ippolito, Mara Novak, who owns Flying Goose Custom Quilting in Chester, Lynn Way and Carolyn Niesuchouski, who works at Country Treasures quilt shop in Chester, and Ludlow resident Dona McKenzie, managing partner of Silverlining Quilt Finishing in Ludlow. Novak designed the quilt based on a concept from Tula Pink’s 100 Modern Blocks.
The team met regularly to refine the quilt layout. Niesuchouski sashed all the quilt blocks and added the borders, Ippolito created the one-of-a- kind flanged binding and back label, and Novak did the longarm quilting on the piece. The backing of the quilt consisted of original fabric designed by Novak.
In early April, White Out won Best Modern Quilt at the MQX Quilt Festival in Manchester, N.H.
In addition to the Governor’s Award for White Out, Novak received a Special Ribbon for Exceptional Merit for Best Machine Quilting, Longarm Machine.
Ippolito also received a Purple Ribbon for Exceptional Merit, and a Special Ribbon for Best Machine Quilting, Domestic Machine, for her quilt, Sapphires on Snow.
The five are part of the 11-member Small Pond Quilters, made up of quilters from all over Vermont who meet regularly to discuss and compare best practices for machine quilting, whether it be longarm, sitdown or domestic.
Filed Under: Community and Arts Life • In the Arts
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