To the editor: GM Food Service staff looks forward to another year of healthy meals

I would like to welcome everyone back for another school year of healthy eating. I would also like to welcome all new staff and students to Green Mountain Union High for the first time.

School starts on Wednesday, Aug. 30 and my staff and I are looking forward to seeing everyone in the cafeteria for breakfast and lunch. Our sous chef is Beth Connor; Connor has spent all summer with us working with the Summer Meals Programs.

Karla Hunsdon is also returning as our sandwich and cashier person. Steve Pippin is back in the dishroom doing his thing. Steve also was a huge part of our Summer Meals Program. I am very lucky to have such a great staff that enjoys their work and the kids.

We are once again involved in a great Farm to School Program. We not only purchase from Windham Farm and Food, we also purchase from Black River Meats, Reinhart Foods and a local farm market right here in Chester. As budget allows, I plan on purchasing all local beef this school year. All three of the vendors I mentioned are great sources of local products from local farmers:  items like Vermont bread, Cabot cheese, Hood milk, local ground beef. We even purchase French bread here in town from Baba Louis Bakery to use for our garlic bread on spaghetti day.

Our award winning Jr. Iron Chef Vermont teams are waiting in the wings to begin another year in the kitchen preparing what will hopefully turn out to be winning recipes. Last year is a tough act to follow with two wins. We once again this year will be entering three teams in the competition.

As every year, I encourage all families to apply for free or reduced meal benefits. Even if you feel you may not qualify, please apply.  If you qualify benefits include breakfast and lunch. Right now 1 in every 7 Vermont children are living in households that experience food insecurity. School meals programs are the best tools we have to protect children in our communities from hunger and malnutrition. The Title 1 funding your school receives is based on the number of students who are enrolled in our free and reduced program. Title 1 funding pays for many of the academic programs all students use.

We offer a great lunch account system for your children. Each child has an account and account number we have them punch in at lunch time. Parents can also access their children’s account on line by going to and set up a profile. Payments can be made on line also. We encourage you to maintain a positive balance in the account. We do not allow any charging of meals. For more information please contact me anytime at 802-952-9133 or

Once again this year the first Wednesday of each month we have our senior citizen lunch at noon. Our first lunch will be Sept. 6. Please join us for a great lunch and conversation with friends and the best part see the kids.


Jack Carroll

Food Services for
Green Mountain Union High School

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