Weston Liquor Board, Select Board agendas for Jan. 23, 2018

The Liquor Control Board for the Town of Weston will meet at 7:15 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 23 at Town Office, Lawrence Hill Road, followed at 7:30 p.m. by the Select Board meeting. Below are its agendas.

Liquor Control Board agenda

1. Any Requested Changes to the Liquor Control Board Agenda:
2. Public Comment:
3. First Class License to Malt and Vinous Beverages at the Bryant House Restaurant;
Second Class License to Sell Malt and Vinous Beverages at the Vermont Country Store.
4. New and Old Business:
5. Miscellaneous:
6. Adjourn:

Select Board agenda
1. Any Requested Changes to the Select Board Agenda:
2. Public Comment:
3. Better Connections Grant:
4. Annex Painting:
5. Derry Sled Dogs:
6. SO #2 Payroll, SO #2 Vendors:
7. Review and Approve Minutes:
8. Committee Reports:
9. New and Old Business:
10. Miscellaneous:
11. Adjourn:

Filed Under: Latest NewsWeston Select Board Agenda

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