Chester Chatter: Easter dress-up and bunnies

By Ruthie Douglas
© 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC

Easter, when I was growing up, always meant coloring eggs the day before. My mother bought a dozen eggs each for my sister and me. She laid out newspaper on the kitchen table to catch the mess and spills.

Several colors were mixed up with a single color in each coffee cup for dipping. We had wax crayons for writing on them as well. Mother cooked only a few for hard boiling and the rest were left for cooking.

Easter morning, we got ready for church in our new outfits. My sister and I had new dresses, we wore straw hats, white cotton gloves, lace socks and our Mary Jane shoes.  We carried a purse that held the quarter for the offering and hanky. There are several photos of us to prove this fact!

Once we got home from church, we changed into our play clothes. Before dinner, we got our Easter baskets. Always a large chocolate bunny stood in the middle, surrounded by jelly beans, Peeps and mixed candies. I always ate the bunny’s ears first.

Mostly we had lamb for Easter dinner and spent a rather quiet relaxing day and maybe went for a ride.

Hurricanes and celebrations

It’s spring! The Springfield Art & Historical Society held a program with slide show, showing pictures of the hurricane of 1938, when it struck the town. The show was very well attended and Hugh Putnam was the speaker.

The annual St. Patrick’s Day dinner of corned beef and cabbage was held Saturday at the American Legion Post 67 in Chester. Many enjoyed the dinner, which was delicious.

Our nation celebrated the 99th birthday of the forming of the American Legion. It was formed by an Act of Congress in September 1919. Members of the Chester Legion held a dinner Tuesday. At the head table were state speakers. Spaghetti and meatballs and a birthday cake were served.

Happy birthday Sarah Bolaski.

Sympathy to the family of Bill Basso, who died on March 10. Bill lived in Chester for many years. He and his wife Evelyn were married for 72 years.

DEAR READERS: Last week I told you about my elephant with its trunk down that could perhaps bring bad luck. What should I do about it? Please comment below!

  • This week’s trivia question:  When did Readex- NewsBank open for business?
  • Answer to last week’s trivia question: The Chester Depot Post Office closed in 1983.

Street Talk

How will you celebrate Easter?

Filed Under: Chester ChatterCommunity and Arts Life

About the Author: Ruthie Douglas is originally from Springfield but has called Chester her home for 58 years, and has been writing the Chester Chatter column for more than 40 of those years. Ruthie is also a longtime volunteer throughout the community.

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