Chester Select Board special meeting for July 3, 2018

The Chester Select Board will hold a special meeting at 5 p.m. Tuesday, July 3 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. Below is its agenda.

1. Approve Minutes from the June 6, 2018 Select Board meeting and the June 18, 2018 Special Select Board meeting

2. Citizen’s Comments

3. Old Business

4. Set Tax Rate

5. Executive Session: For the purpose of interviewing a candidate for the position of Alternate to the Development Review Board

6. Appoint Alternate to the Development Review Board

7. Discuss Contract with Sprint Representative

8. Executive Session: For the purpose of reviewing the proposed Sprint Contract

9. Adopt Salvage Yard Ordinance

10. ADDED Monday, July 2: Authorize signing of Deed from Chester to Sandri

11. New Business/Next Agenda

12. Adjourn

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