To the editor: I vote for the man, not the party

I vote for the Man not the Party

My voting history goes back to 1960 when I cast my first vote for John F. Kennedy for President. Coming from a GOP family (That’s Grand Old Party for young voters who might not recognize the current Republican Party), my mother simply said, “I know you will be canceling my vote for high office, but here are the local candidates I support.” Her list went right down to county sheriff, and of course all Republicans. I voted my conscience and hers, and we both lived merrily ever after.

Things have changed dramatically across our political landscape as we enter the 2018 Vermont Democratic Primary. I am not voting for our Democratic incumbent Peter Welch for Congress on Tuesday August 14. Daniel Freilich is my man and here’s why.

Dr. Dan came to my back door on July 4th during the peak of our heat wave. I listened to his goals:

  • Restore honor and integrity back into politics;
  • Focus on core issues to achieve equitable pursuit of happiness for all;
  • Encourage politicians to minimize their conflicts of interest by not taking special interest campaign contributions. (Campaign Finance Reform);
  • Set a new standard by tackling core issues like wealth inequality; Medicare for all;
    Climate change; Repeal Citizens United.

Dr. Dan is experienced and more than qualified to represent us in Washington DC:

  • Captain, US Navy, physician and professional scientist.
  • Currently staff physician at the VA Medical Center in White River Junction.
  • Founded and directed the Navy’s Blood Substitutes research and development program.
  • Developed and directed a $100 million program to overhaul the Navy’s approach to treating pain in response to Congressional concern about the opioid epidemic.

Dr. Dan left me thinking how I could best help him restore our broken political system. First, I looked into his background and qualifications. Next, an individual donation using the “Donate” button on his informative website  – – was easy. Now I am writing letters to my list of editors. Next I am dialing for Dr. Dan locally to get friends and neighbors thinking, and of course acting in these perilous times.

So my friends and neighbors join me and vote for the Man not the Party if you want to “Reclaim Democratic Heart & Soul.” Like me you are going to have to listen, do your homework, and then vote your conscience.

Lew Watters
Stone Village
Chester, Vermont

Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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  1. Ed Grossman says:

    I was equally impressed after meeting Dr. Dan, listening to his platform, and researching his positions. I respect his efforts to restore integrity to politics and to serve the people of Vermont without a potential conflict of interest from PAC money. He certainly has the background and credentials to represent our State well.