No candidate for one Chester Select Board seat Hopefuls also lacking for nine other positions

By Shawn Cunningham
© 2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC

Chester Select Board member Dan Cote, serving a three-year term, apparently is not running again, but incumbent member Lee Gustafson, who has served two one-year terms, is running for that three-year term.

And Ben Whalen is seeking re-election to a one-year term. However, by deadline at 5 p.m.  Monday, Jan. 28, no one had turned in a petition to get on the ballot for the one-year term that Gustafson is giving up.

This makes it possible for an uncontested write-in candidate to win with just 25 votes.  With the petitions in, out of 19 open offices, only nine have candidates, which are as follows:

Town Moderator – 1 one-year term – Bill Dakin

Select Board – 1 three-year term – Lee Gustafson

Select Board – 2 one-year terms – Ben Whalen, No second candidate

Town Grand Juror – 1 one-year term – No candidate

Agent to Defend Suits – 1 one-year term – No candidate

Trustee of Public Funds – 1 three-year term – Erron Carey

Trustees of Whiting Library – 2 three-year terms – Edward Grossman, David A. Lord

Trustees of Whiting Library – unexpired one-year term – No candidate

Green Mountain Unified School District Director – 2 three-year terms – Lois Perlah, Michael Studin

Green Mountain Unified School District Director – unexpired one-year term – Richard C. Alexander

Budget Committee – 6 three-year positions – No candidates

Voting on Articles 5 through 25 will be done from the floor beginning at 6 p.m. Monday, March 4, also at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. in Chester. Voting by secret ballot for candidates and three articles will be held from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 5, also  at Town Hall.





Filed Under: ChesterLatest News

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  1. lew watters says:

    We have learned that Leigh Dakin is considering running for the 1 year term on the select board. Yahoo!

  2. stephen lavoie says:

    Instead of finding fault with everyone in this town Mr. Patch, why don’t you run for select board and we will see what kind of job you do.

  3. Deborah Aldrich says:

    A person must be a registered voter in the Town of Chester to hold an office.

  4. Irene Bassock says:

    Can property owners who are not full-time residents hold these positions?

  5. Ron Patch says:

    An open seat on the select board? For three years Cote’s seat has been unoccupied. Maybe with Cote gone we will prosper again.