Chester Select Board special meeting agenda for July 2, 2019

The Chester Select Board will meet at 6:30 p.m. on July 2 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. for a special meeting. Below is its agenda.

1. Approve June 5, 2019 Select board Minutes and Executive Session Record

2. Citizen Comments

3. Old Business

4. Request for use of town property; Pat Budnick

5. Information Booth Sewer Connection; Jeff Holden

6. Reserve Account for Recording Fees; Debbie Aldrich

7. Transfer Station update; Lee Gustafson

8. Charging Station Grant award

9. Continue Review of Town Plan; Energy Chapter

10. Set Tax Rate

11. Request to Cater Liquor License; Stone Hearth Inn; Information Only

12. New Business/ Next Agenda

13. Executive Session; Review Town Manager’s Contract

14. Adjourn

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