Londonderry Select Board agenda for Jan. 4, 2021

The Select Board of the town of Londonderry will meet at 6 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 4 via Zoom. To access the meeting via the web:  or via telephone: (929) 205-6099 (Meeting ID: 821 6746 2240)  Below is its agenda.

1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Additions or Deletions to the Agenda
3. Minutes Approval – Meeting(s) of 12/21/2020
4. Selectboard Pay Orders
5. Announcements/Correspondence
6. Visitors and Concerned Citizens
7. Town Officials Business: a. Emergency Management Director – COVID-19 response updates; b. Emergency Management Director – Hazard Mitigation Plan
8. Transfer Station/Solid Waste Management: a. Updates
9. Roads and Bridges: a. Updates
10. Old Business: a. Discuss alternatives for 2021 Town Meeting; b. Discuss proposal to establish new Highway & Buildings/Grounds position; c. Review and discuss proposed FY2022 Budget; d. Discuss 2021 Town Meeting appropriations
11. New Business: a. Presentation on My Community Nurse Project – Regina Downer; b. Review draft Town Meeting Warning

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