Fighter training exercises over Vermont scheduled for June

© 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC

The 104th’s Chugs MOA.

Next month people in southern Vermont will once again be hearing the thunder of the jets of the 104th Fighter Wing, flying out of Barnes Air National Guard Base in Westfield, Mass.

According to a press release from the fighter wing, the jets will be flying routine training missions over the area during the month of June.

“The training is a critical part of our mission and allows us to accomplish core training tasks,” said Master Sgt. Lindsey S. Watson noting that at the same time they do not want to alarm the residents of the area.

The 104th flies F-15 Eagles and has, as one of its missions, protecting the Northeast from airborne threats.

The 104th conducts fighter training in the Chugs Military Operations Area, which stretches from Marlboro in the south to Ludlow in the north and from Peru in the west to Springfield in the east. The area is named after 104th fighter pilot Glenn “Chugs” Milliken who died of cancer in 2016.

Click here to read The Telegraph’s 2017 story on the fighter wing.

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About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.

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  1. Tom Smith says:

    Noise from the planes is way too loud. Area is so peaceful until these things fly over throughout the day. Hoping it’s over after June.

  2. Sue McKnight says:

    I was out in my yard two days last week and was “privileged” to get to see them. I lived in Southern Nevada for 4 decades…worked for a short time at the Nevada Test Site. These planes brought back great memories of the defense efforts made to keep our country safe. The few minutes of louder plane noise didn’t upset anybody in my immediate area… my cat stayed asleep, no dogs barking wildly, birds did not take flight and the two roosters who reside nearby kept their mouths shut! (for once!!).

  3. Craig Miller says:

    Got to watch them yesterday – way up in the air – not loud enough to scare the cats.

    I have fond memories growing up near Griffiss AFB in upstate NY. Back then F4s would scream up the Mohawk Valley about 500′ and over the Adirondacks. Very low and fast, best air show ever.

    Pure joy watching them wishing you could only be good enough to do that.


  4. John P Yake says:

    I’ve been watching them all day. It’s been awesome! I have two horses. One has slept through most of it, the other is way too interested in what the highway crew is doing down on RT. 11. (And those guys are doing a fantastic job).

  5. Georgianne Mora says:

    Shawn, even if they stay above that threshold, the sound is terrifying for a lot of animals (my poor dog included). I’m skeptical, though, that the jets consistently stay that high. I’m actually fascinated by them (in spite of my dog’s terror) and spend too much time watching them when they’re visible. One day I caught them in a thrilling dogfight type maneuver during which they swooshed low enough that I could make out the various features of the planes – not remotely possible at 10K ft.

  6. Hi Susan,
    When we did our story about the 104th in 2017 the floor below which the
    pilots should not go was 10,000 ft. We will check back to see if the rules have changed.

  7. Susan Brace says:

    Thanks for the warning, but I am not looking forward to their noise and frighteningly low maneuvers over our farm. They terrify the goats and dogs.