Chester Chatter: State Fair fills the senses

By Ruthie Douglas
©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC

The first day of school in Chester used to start after the State Fair in Rutland was finished in September.  Every farmers’ kids would be up there showing their livestock.

In rural Vermont, most folks looked forward to the country fairs.  Farm children often belonged to 4-H. Our family always headed to the State Fair barns, where the animals were you could see lambs, calves, ponies, rabbits and barn kittens, which to most farmers’ thinking were just as much a part of the farm as other animals.

The 4-H kids slept overnight in the barns with their animals. One chore they were expected to do was to keep their livestock stall clean.

All over the fair grounds were the aromas of onions, french fries and fried dough. Even if you really were not hungry, you sure felt like you wanted to eat.  And plenty of rides were there to enjoy. The music of the merry-go-round set the happy tone for the fair. And that merry-go-round ran from morning to night, while most others didn’t get under way until noontime.

My favorite ride was the Ferris wheel and I always managed to fit in a ride or two at each fair. If you were a bit tired from the hot and active day you could sit in the grandstand and take in a musical act or two.  But you knew it was time to go home when you really exhausted and very dusty.

Scene and heard

Congratulations to Alan Farrar, the Chester Rotary’s new president.

Judy Henning has been enjoying visits with her family.

Brian Merrick has been spending time his brother Dooley. It is always good to see Brian, who now lives in Florida.

George Gates has died, leaving us behind to remember his great love of dancing. When Georgie showed up, fun was sure to happen.

On a recent Saturday, Linnea and I went yard sale shopping. We started with the townwide yard sale in Baltimore. We didn’t go too far because we found ourselves visiting with those great folks.

This past Saturday found us near the crafts fair in Sunapee,  N.H. We drove back roads and it made for a lovely day. However, the traffic made it impossible to stop to see the crafts!

I am calling this year the summer of motorcycles. There have been more motorcycles riding past my house then I can ever remember.

Remember when we all waited for the Catholic carnival?

Filed Under: Chester ChatterCommunity and Arts Life

About the Author: Ruthie Douglas is originally from Springfield but has called Chester her home for 58 years, and has been writing the Chester Chatter column for more than 40 of those years. Ruthie is also a longtime volunteer throughout the community.

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  1. Larry Howe says:

    I lived across the street from the Catholic Church and in the morning, before the carnival opened, the neighborhood kids would cover the carnival grounds looking change people had dropped. If you were lucky you might get five or ten dollars