Chester Chatter: A welcome distraction knocks at the front door

By Ruthie Douglas
©2022 Telegraph Publishing LLC

When I lived on the farm on Green Mountain Turnpike, every couple of weeks a familiar vehicle would pull up in our driveway. It was the Rawleigh salesman, bearing a variety of products, ranging from lotions and medicated salves to spices, kitchen gadgets and vitamins.

In those days, there were an number of such door-to-door salespeople: Fuller Brush, Watkins, Knapp Shoes, Avon, Sunbeam, Charles Chips. Farm wives looked forward to a break in their busy day to make a homebased shopping trip.

George, our Sunbeam bread man, delivered twice a week, and would always stop and chat. He had many fans on his route.

Another way to shop conveniently was the Sears & Roebuck and Montgomery Ward catalogues, with your order delivered right to your door.

We had a variety of grocery stores back then or you could shop in Springfield. Every so often we would have to travel for a specialty item but most everything was available right in our town. Somehow I have never been a fan of big malls and giant department stores. My fondness for hometown shopping has never abated.

Scene and heard

Chester’s Legion Post 67 Children’s Breakfast is going to be held from 8 a.m. to noon on Saturday, April 9. There will be facepainting and other children’s activities.

Many of us are remembering St. Patrick’s Day held at the Pioneer House. What fun we had!

Happy birthday to my great-granddaughter Willow and to my grand-daughter-in-law Sarah Bolaski.

New neighbors are moving into Carl Davison‘s former home. We are excited to meet them.

Our birds are beginning to come back home. And boy are they hungry.

Vermont has five seasons, with mud season being the one we are in now. It would be a good idea to stay off the dirt roads until they have a chance to dry out. My home health care worker Linnea is housebound due to the mud.

Our deepest condolences to Bruce Meyer on the death of his beloved wife Sylvia. She also leaves behind a wonderful son Chris and daughter Karen.

Our bestest and warmest wishes to Vicki Thornton, owner of Blair Books & More, on her recovery from her recent accident.



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Filed Under: Chester ChatterCommunity and Arts Life

About the Author: Ruthie Douglas is originally from Springfield but has called Chester her home for 58 years, and has been writing the Chester Chatter column for more than 40 of those years. Ruthie is also a longtime volunteer throughout the community.

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