To the editor: Open letter to GM board urges re-vote on mascot

Dear GMUSD Board and Community,

As a concerned citizen of Proctorsville, I am writing this email to encourage the board of directors of the Green Mountain Unified School District to allow for a re-vote on the subject of the school mascot. It was made clear to the board at the end of the meeting that there was an error in voting due to the confusing motion and an issue with the virtual meeting connection – an error that you all know would have changed the outcome of the vote.

It is my understanding that the members who resigned have expressed that they would be willing to rescind their resignations under the condition of a re-vote to clarify the will of the board.  I am requesting that the board accept this offer  to set the record straight for our school and for our community.

I am surprised that in the reporting by statewide media that I have heard about the board meeting and this decision excluded this clarification that happened during the last four minutes of the meeting when Chester member Katie Murphy spoke up. She wasn’t asking to change her mind. She was clarifying that she misunderstood the motion and thought that she had voted the other way. Yet the remaining board audibly laughed at the situation. I would encourage the board chairperson to reach out to the members that resigned and offer them a chance to clarify their will and return to the board for a re-vote.

Also, I noticed that the statewide media reporting has failed to mention that our superintendent also submitted her resignation in writing to the community based on the same issue with this racist mascot. I agree with the members present that spoke up with the simple truth that people should not be used as mascots.

Please allow the will of the board to be heard and allow the record to be set straight on this matter.

The meeting can be viewed on SAPT-TV by clicking here The key moments of confusion are 34 minutes from the end of the meeting and Katie Murphy speaks out about her connection issues four minutes from the end of the meeting.

Zachary McNaughton

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  1. Roy Spaulding says:

    They were NOT voting on the mascot that was removed in 2021 . The vote was on weather or not the chieftain name was in violation , legally not just opinion . The Board of education sent a letter saying (It is up to the school board with the help of the superintendent to decide ) ! The mascot has been used as a talking point to mislead on what the real vote is on.