To the editor: Rep. Chase announces run for re-election

As I complete my first term in the Vermont State House, I am pleased to announce that I am running for re-election for state representative for the Windsor-Windham District, made up of the towns of Athens, Chester, Grafton and Windham.

The legislative primary is Tuesday, Aug. 13 and the general election is Tuesday, Nov. 5.

At the State House, I serve on the House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development, which deals with maintaining a robust statewide foundation for economic sustainability that fosters commercial enterprise and consumer protection. That includes matters relating to workforce development and training programs, business development and formations, financial institutions, property and casualty, life, and captive insurance, securities, unemployment and workers’ compensation insurance and consumer protection.

In Montpelier, I am always working to assist my constituents in their frequent dealings with Vermont government. I worked in support of the Data Privacy bill, which my committee passed and was approved by the full House before being passed on to the Senate. This bill gives citizens a right to privacy and protection from misuse of personal data by corporate data gatherers. The privacy bill is the foundational element for future work in the regulation of high tech.

I was appointed by Gov. Phil Scott to serve on the Vermont Economic Progress Council, which is an independent board that serves as the approval and authorization body for the Vermont Employment Growth Incentive program and the Tax Increment Financing District program, both state incentive programs established to encourage business development and economic growth throughout Vermont.

I look forward to continuing serving my constituents and their communities in the state legislature. Please, reach out to to discuss legislative issues of concern either by email at or by phone at 802-875-4663.

Thank you for your support.

Heather Chase
State representative


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