To the editor: Murray announces run for state Senate for Windsor

I‘m a local farmer in Weathersfield, proud wife of a combat veteran and mother of a middle-schooler, and I have officially launched my campaign for the Vermont state Senate representing Windsor County.

I  believe that Vermont is at a crossroads and that voters want an alternative to far-left activist agendas. Gov. Scott is supported by the vast majority of voters regardless of party affiliation, and yet the progressive supermajority refuses to partner with him to find common-sense solutions to the financial and housing crisis we are facing. I am running to restore balance in our government and to repair the damage caused by an out-of-control one-party system.

My values are rooted in integrity, hard work and a belief in limited government and the personal freedoms that our state constitution was founded on. I am ready to bring her passion, dedication and common-sense approach to the state Senate as a relentless advocate for the people of Windsor County.

My priorities include making fiscally responsible decisions to protect taxpayers and finding immediate workable solutions for our housing crisis and the unsustainable financial burden on families and businesses.

In addressing the ongoing housing crisis, I support responsible development and policies that limit government overreach, ensuring accessible and affordable housing for all residents.

I am deeply concerned about the current direction of Vermont’s educational system and advocate for a return to a standard curriculum prioritizing core academics. I am also emphasizing the importance of parental rights in the upbringing and education of their children.

My campaign promises a new type of leadership that works across the aisle, driven by my challenges as a wife, mother and local farmer facing the skyrocketing cost of living.  I am determined to deliver fiscally responsible and sustainable solutions to ensure a brighter future for Vermont. For more information, please visit

Andrea Murray
Candidate for the Republican nomination
to the Vermont Senate for Windsor County

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Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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  1. Barre Pinske says:

    Hey everyone Barre Pinske. I’m sharing my experience because I feel it’s important you don’t get fooled by this candidate.
    I got involved with the GOP last year to support Nikki Haley. I was happy to see her win Vermont! My goal was to be in Wisconsin if she won the nomination I actually recruited Roy and Kelly to the reorganized Chester GOP they ended up in up attending the convention.
    Andrea came the Windsor County reorganization meeting with her husband acting friendly and confident, although unknown by most they were voted in. Soon there are after our group was split, there was an effort to remove the chair and Andrea’s group claimed they had control. When the Chairman rightfully held his ground a lawsuit was started! Her side took control late this Spring with a new vote run by the original Chairman and most recently the whole group has imploded.
    I warned the group privately they were dealing with a toxic person in Andrea they couldn’t see it. I received a message a few weeks ago from an appointee saying I was right. Nothing has been accomplished in nearly a year but infighting with the county GOP! Saying she can work across the aisle in her ad is insane she couldn’t work with people on her side! I warned the folks I brought along from Chester it took them over nine months to figure it out I was right!
    Andrea is the toxic relative or co-worker you avoid. I attended a State GOP meeting that was also disrupted by Andrea to the point they were not able to get through of the regular business she brought our dirty laundry to them as to who the chairman of our group was! It was very very frustrating. I felt bad for Paul Dame because he tried so hard to keep things running smooth it was embarrassing for Windsor County they had work to do that couldn’t get done because she was arguing about who our chairman was and who could vote!
    I’m not sure the Windsor County group has any structure at all right now the chair and other members including Roy and Kelly resigned. I was the one who rejuvenated the Chester GOP as a Nikki fan and helped her win here. I know how to work as a team. I know toxic people I have had too many relationships with them I can spot it a mile away. When someone comes into your life or organization as your new best friend, they turn on you dramatically and then act illogical and fight with no ability to restore the relationship and of course take no responsibility that’s Andrea. I live in Vermont I’m not a Vermonter. I know what Vermonters dislike more than anything and that’s an outsider telling them how to live their lives that my friends is Andrea. I’m guessing she has wreaked havoc from where she came from I tried to get a reference for her and couldn’t. Do your homework she is not done well with the Windsor County GOP, the two former chairs or candidate Gerald Malloy and his wife. I believe in helping people, I am a team player, I’m speaking up because I believe it’s important. She can’t help this state she will be a problem I experienced. Do not support her.

  2. Scott Kendall says:

    Andrea Murray you got my vote! I wanted to thank you for coming to our school board meetings and really following the issues at hand. I know I have reached out to a few state representatives to please come speak to the tax payers and public and they didn’t even reply. Very disappointing! It truly showed they don’t care about us. 2/3 of our taxes is education tax. But yet the children in this state get a very limited education. The state owns the education system and dictates what’s learned and how much we pay. Act 46-60 need to be removed! We need to go back to towns running our own schools. Where we vote on what they learn and how they are educated.
    Becca White and Alison clarkson have failed Vermont and Vermonters! They voted for increase in taxes14%. When asked why? No answers were given!

  3. If you vote in the Democratic primary, or plan to vote in the general election, please consider voting to re-elect myself, Sen. Becca White and Sen. Alison Clarkson. You can read more about us at our websites. You can also give me a call anytime at 802-777-4517.