Ludlow Rotary seeks home for foreign exchange student

In keeping with its tradition of supporting a foreign exchange student for his/her senior year of high school, the Ludlow Rotary Club is seeking three host families for its latest student.

She is proficient in English and will be attending Green Mountain Union High School, taking advantage of the bus service provided to and from the school. She hopes to play soccer and basketball and plans to participate in GMUHS’s Interact Club.

LRC Rotarian Brigid Sullivan said, “As a past host of an exchange student, I can vouch that it is a tremendous experience hosting the student, one that lasts long beyond the time in your home.” Sullivan also indicated that every variation of host family is eligible, including families with or without kids, empty nesters, two moms, two dads and single parents.

A safe home with a separate dedicated bedroom is required. LRC would like to arrange for three host families: end of August until after Thanksgiving, December through February and March until the end of the school year.

If you would like to be a host, contact Jim Rumrill  or Sharon Bixby. This is an amazing opportunity to learn more about another culture.

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About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.

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