Chester GOP to hold event for state House candidate Tom Charlton

©2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC

The Chester GOP is inviting the public to meet Tom Charlton, candidate for the state House of Representatives for the Windham-Windsor District towns of Athens, Grafton, Windham and Chester, at 5 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 8 on the front porch of the Fullerton Inn, 40 The Common in Chester.

Charlton, who has lived in the area for more than 50 years, “has many of the same concerns as a Vermonter that you do,” according to a press release from the Chester GOP. “If you are looking for a different option for your representation in Montpelier, come join us and see what a common sense alternative looks like. Vermont is your neighborhood. We do this together, or someone else does whatever they want. Come out and be part of the kind of old time DIY political event for which Vermont is historically famous,” the press release stated.

Following a talk by Charlton and “a surprise guest speaker,” the audience will have a chance to ask further questions of Charlton. The Fullerton open at 4 p.m. to serve light fare or supper following the event.

Vehicle access in front of the Fullerton will be halted for the event, allowing for seating on the pavement and on the Green, so attendees are urged to bring a lawn chair or blanket. In case of inclement weather, the event will be held inside the Fullerton.

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  1. Kelly Spaulding says:

    Looks like it will be a beautiful day. Open to everyone!!