To the editor: End the Democrats’ supermajority in the Vermont legislature

Another election season is upon us. Ballots will be mailed out starting Monday Sept. 23. I am asking my fellow Vermonters to again take consideration of candidates that will put a stop to the never ending tax and spend agenda of the Democratic supermajority in the Vermont House and Senate.

As a lifelong Vermonter, I am not alone in stating that my working class friends, family and neighbors are hurting under the burden of high taxation placed upon us,

The Windsor County Republican party has candidates who are focused exclusively on the economic and social issues facing Vermonters. Every day the news outlets share the ongoing criminal acts in our neighborhoods, the lack of affordable housing, the tragedy of the heroin-fentanyl epidemic, failing schools and a health care system that is overloaded and near collapse. These candidates will demand a much overdue accounting of how our hard earned and limited tax dollars are being spent and address these problems. They will work to restore fiscal responsibility and balanced government to our state.

Please join me in voting for the following Vermont state Senate candidates: Jonathan Gleason of Ludlow, Andrea Murray of Weathersfield and Jack Williams of Perkinsville.

Please also vote for Tom Charlton, dedicated community advocate and small business owner, for the state House of Representatives for Windham, Grafton, Athens and Chester. All of these candidates stand with Gov. Phil Scott against the legislature’s tax hikes.

Stuart Lindberg

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