Editorial: Dems kick up some dust over a MAGA event

By Cynthia Prairie
©2025 Telegraph Publishing LLC

Words matter and so do the reactions to those words. And because of both of those, we have a bit of a dust-up over what exactly is happening at the beloved and historic Fullerton Inn in Chester. Has it gone “full MAGA” as one local Democrat is suggesting?

I first got word of this earlier this week, when a dear friend mentioned it as we chatted. Then another friend mentioned it. Then I received an email. Then I saw the social media posts, which not only complained about the Fullerton, but complained that Republican Roy Spaulding was “Santa for the kids,” and laid the blame for this affront also on the Fullerton Inn.

The post, on a local Democratic social media site, said: Fullerton Inn seems to have gone full MAGA. They hosted some GOP events before the elections, had MAGA Roy Spaulding be Santa for the kids, and now this. When we first moved to Chester, we would get takeout from Fullerton every week or two. … Not anymore, I guess!

Here’s a screenshot Roy Spaulding’s poorly worded post.

Roy Spaulding, for those who don’t know, is indeed an unapologetic MAGA Trump supporter, who has displayed an oversized Trump sign on his business on Route 103 North for quite a long time. Earlier last year, he was instrumental in the resurrection of the long-dormant Republican Party here in Chester and attended the GOP convention in Wisconsin, sending back photos of his adventures for The Chester Telegraph to publish. (We asked the same of the local Democrats, but they weren’t sending anyone to their national convention.) Spaulding’s now the chair of the Chester Republican Committee.

And he is also a really nice and convivial person.

For his part, Spaulding admits that he wrote a badly worded post, which says that the “Fullerton Inn … will be hosting an inauguration watch party” on Monday, Jan. 20. On Friday morning, he clarified the post:  “I did rent it … It’s a matter of semantics. … The Chester Republican Committee is actually hosting the event.” He added that everyone is invited to view “this historic moment,” no matter their party affiliation. But, he added, everyone will have to purchase their own lunch and drinks.

Chester Republicans have rented the Fullerton several times over the past election cycle for political events.  “I like the Fullerton,” he said. “It’s a beautiful building and it has everything for an event that you could want.”

While Spaulding said he was baffled by the dust-up over the Fullerton, he also addressed the implication that the Fullerton “had MAGA Roy Spaulding be Santa for the kids.” Spaulding, who sports a massive white beard, said, “I stepped into help out because Scott (Blair, who usually plays Santa) was sick as a dog. … I got a call from (Town Manager) Julie Hance at 2 p.m. on the day (of the event) asking me to fill in.” He added that he even wore the same Santa suit that Blair wears and that he has been Santa for a Ludlow restaurant and for the Andover Mountaineer Snow Riders Club.

Also on Friday, Rob Ambrose, the Fullerton’s owner, said matter-of-factly, “The Republicans are paying…  (Spaulding) paid me for the space (for) a day we are not normally open. … if you want to come in that Monday, come in.” (Back in the late summer, as we looked into campaign financing, The Chester Telegraph had asked Ambrose who was paying for several events. And the answer was the Republicans.)

Ambrose added that if the Democrats “want to host anything at the Fullerton, they can … and they did a couple of years ago. If you want to … have an event here, we are happy to have you.”

So this might not satisfy anyone who just wants to believe what he wants to believe. Studies have found that facts just don’t change people’s minds. And now that their world has turned upside-down, it seems to be the Democrats’ turn to proffer and believe untruths.

But at what price to local businesses?

By the way, the Fullerton Inn has been one of our anchor advertisers for several years now. And Republicans and Democrats in Windham and Windsor have all advertised with us, especially last year. Those advertising dollars help us to keep delivering unbiased reporting to you. Or maybe we’re just tools. Many will believe what they wish to believe, no matter the facts.

Filed Under: CommentaryTelegraph Editorial

About the Author: Cynthia Prairie has been a newspaper editor more than 40 years. Cynthia has worked at such publications as the Raleigh Times, the Baltimore News American, the Buffalo Courier Express, the Chicago Sun-Times and the Patuxent Publishing chain of community newspapers in Maryland, and has won numerous state awards for her reporting. As an editor, she has overseen her staffs to win many awards for indepth coverage. She and her family moved to Chester, Vermont in 2004.

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  1. Matt Prescott says:

    Roy and Kelly demonstrate what is beautiful about our small community. Passionate in their beliefs, active in pursuing the common good, yet warm and inviting to others with differing opinions. I stand firmly by your side, Roy!

  2. Kelly Spaulding says:

    Thank you Cynthia for bringing this “ dust up” to light in a very fair article that I think put you in a tough space! I really couldn’t believe it last Friday when you called Roy – some people were concerned about our upcoming event and the conspiracy that the Republican Party and the Fullerton Inn took over Santa Clause like it was a coop. I understand you looking into it because there must be some elite people that felt they have been wronged by our actions. The fact that this is even an “issue” just makes me shake my head in disbelief.

    Is it the elite group that made their election loss known by writing a column in the Commons (November 12, 2024) Nick Boke -” We Can’t Look Each Other In The Eye” — where we were called “Trumpites?” Is it members of the Democratic Party that refused to work with us (crickets) when we tried to set up a house candidate debate in September? Sorry new to politics – didn’t think it would be so cut throat in Chester! The event went on anyway and it was awesome even with the light show from across the street !! Or, is it just some who are over the top TDS and want to cancel us at no cost.

    The fact really is that those elite people standing high on their pedestals have lost their ability to control individuals who have different beliefs by canceling them! This is the culture of “ be nice, be kind” out of one side of their mouth and ultimate personal attacks on the other when you don’t agree with them. It is not going to work anymore! In case they haven’t realized it yet we just don’t care! They don’t have the balls to have a conversation or say things to your face – just use media of all kinds in attempt to cancel us one by one.

    One would hope that local people would support local businesses, especially in this economy, and political beliefs shouldn’t enter into it. If you choose not to support local businesses because of YOUR political beliefs just don’t go! The world does not need to know over and over and over! For virtue signaling see Facebook. Chester, Vermont and Chester Vermont.

    “We” who are not in the elite little group are not unapproachable, we are caring, common sense neighbors who just have a different belief as to what we think is best for our community and our state. That does not make us wrong – no matter how much you hide behind your elitism, whisper behind our backs, and choose not to engage with us as members of this community. As I told Nick in a reply to his article. the ball is in your court.

    You can all continue fear-mongering as long as you want. The rest of us are going to roll up our sleeves and work together to get both Chester and Vermont back to the once recognizable small town and state that it once was.

  3. Anne Henshaw says:

    We’ve been watching the various “Turn Vermont Red” events the Fullerton has been hosting the past year. This recent Trump watch party was the proverbial straw and camel’s back. Our family chooses where to spend our hard earned money. We prefer to spend our money in establishments or with people who support and care for marginalized classes and social justice, among other things. It’s no different than how people choose friendships, relationships, favorite spaces etc. An endorsement of Trump means a person or party embraces and celebrates things that our family has drawn a hard line against. Others don’t. That’s fine, but I think many need to be reminded or maybe realize: Neutrality is a privilege. Neutrality is capitalist. Neutrality is complicity.

  4. Roy Spaulding says:

    I also think the name of whoever was the author of the complaint should be published . They called me out by name , the Fullerton and Rob as well as Santa . They should not
    Be able to hide from their accusations . Many people on both sides would like to know who .Cynthia thank you for diving into the middle of this Roy Spaulding AKA Santa

  5. Robert Nied says:

    Despite being active in the community, I somehow missed the “dust up.” This article cites a “local Democratic social media site” as a source of alleged anti-Republican statements but does not identify it. A quick search indicates that the Chester Democratic Committee has no official Facebook, Instagram, Tik Toc, Reddit or Bluesky presence. The article also refers to the comments of an unnamed Democrat. Who is this mystery person who speaks for the Democrats in Chester? There is mention of negative comments about the Fullerton Inn, yet the Democrats I know enjoy and appreciate the Fullerton Inn (and have said so many times over dinner at the Fullerton)! The Democrats I know also actively support local businesses in general. Finally, there is bizarre suggestion that Democrats are angry that a Republican played Santa for a children’s event. You can’t be serious! The Christmas season is a joyful time, especially for children, and I know of no one who gives a hoot about the political affiliation of Santa or would criticize the efforts of a volunteer bringing holiday joy to kids. This sounds more like social media gossip than a “dust up.” I hope we can all move away from the ridiculous and start working together to solve the real challenges faced by our friends and neighbors.

  6. Barbara Crawford says:

    The hypocrisy of the Democrat party as a whole is almost funny! They preach about Democracy, tolerance….yet man, if you don’t toe their line, you WILL be smeared and cancelled!!
    Thanks for ALL you’ve done for the Republican Party and the State of Vermont, Roy and Kelly.

  7. Tim Roper says:

    I may be out of the loop since I’m not on Facebook at this point, but I’m not aware of any “local Democratic social media site” and I don’t know where any of the comments from friends, emails and social media originated since those sources aren’t cited. The implication that any of those comments are representative of a broader group comes across as an attempt to fan a small spark into a roaring flame. How disappointing.

    I’d much prefer to see attempts to bring our community together to work on some of the challenging issues impacting us all. I’ll bet we can all agree that the cost of living, the availability of housing, the continued efficient operation of our local government, providing a quality education for our youth and creating viable paths to more than a paycheck-to-paycheck existence are some goals that we can all get behind.

    The ongoing viability of our local businesses is also a crucial issue, so suggesting any sort of boycott is extremely short sighted. Personal politics has no relevance to where I shop locally, and I feel safe in saying that those aligning with Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Greens or any other group would probably say the same by a large margin.

    We don’t always agree on how to get where we want to be, and that’s fine. That’s how our democracy is supposed to work. Let’s put aside party affiliations and pull together as caring humans to work on developing solutions to some of these challenging issues.


  8. God bless Roy Spaulding

  9. Penny Cote says:

    Go Roy Go. All should just respect the vote of the people of this country. Love each other no matter who is president. I am grateful for Roy and his hard work. Thank you Rob. Four years goes by fast. Our constitution will go on. Actually in two years things can change.
    I hope we can see some improvements and take out wasteful spending in our government agencies.

  10. Carol Neff says:

    Just to be clear! Santa Claus did not meet the children at the Fullerton Inn! Santa Claus met the children at the information booth. Roy Spaulding did us(me) a huge favor by being Santa Claus this year for the Chester kids! Our regular Santa called out sick at 1:30pm on that Saturday. I made several frantic phone calls, trying to find a substitute Santa, without hesitation Roy agreed! This event had nothing to do with politics! This event was celebrating the community of Chester and its children!

  11. Mary Jane Miles says:

    WOW! It is so sad. Anyone can rent a facility choosing not to does not mean it is full on MAGA and Jeepers playing santa for someone who could not because they are sick. People are so negative and make assumptions. What has this world come to? All I can say is so very sad!

  12. Arlene Mutschler says:

    I am appalled that there is a dust up over this. Proves again lib-dem cannot take “losing”. Fullerton is a business. If you wish to threaten them with the loss of your business over who they chose to deal with? Then you are only convincing me more of your inability to accept the will of the people. Aka sore loser. If you’re upset over Fullerton’s choice? Then perhaps I can choose to not engage in to our product and those that advertise in it? But I won’t. Because I’m a mature adult and understand everyone has an option. So be it. We still last I looked have freedom of speech? And based on this reaction? I will go to watch the event at Fullerton! And yes order a big meal. And tip well.

  13. Scott MacDonald says:

    Thank you Cynthia, for standing up for Roy, who is soft-spoken, a generous man, and whether you like his politics or not, is a small business owner and productive part of our town. A better Santa would be hard to find. Allowing a person’s politics to be the issue of public scorn when they are stepping up to be part of the community is shameful.

    The people who complained about him might want to consider that kind of judgmental behavior is partly why the election went the way it did.

  14. Polly Montgomery says:

    Thank you for clarifying this. I had seen the post and was wondering who was in charge etc. I am keeping my comments to just this because my feelings about January 20th are overwhelming.