Archive for April, 2020

Derry Emergency Management chief outlines actions during Covid-19 crisis
By Bruce Frauman ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Londonderry Select Board met for two hours and 40 minutes on April 20 in a Zoom session mostly to hear about what work Emergency Management Director Kevin Beattie was doing to protect the community during the Covid-19 crisis. Beattie said a virtual Emergency Operations Center to respond […]

Telegraph Pandemic Digest for April 21
Food distribution at Hartness Airport The Vermont National Guard and Vermont Foodbank will distribute food for those in need at Hartness State Airport in Springfield from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Monday April 27. Those in need of food will be given a seven day supply of Meals Ready to Eat for each member […]

To the editor: Keep Vermont State Colleges independent
Closing NVU-Lyndon, NVU-Johnson, and Vermont Technical College’s Randolph campus would migrate Vermont’s higher educational engine to the Champlain Valley. The Burlington metropolitan area already exerts economic and political dominance over the rest of the state, especially the Northeast Kingdom and southern Vermont. Depriving Vermonters of access to educational and cultural resources in this manner would […]

Infection curve continues to flatten; Covid-19 numbers are moving target
By Shawn Cunningham © 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC During Gov. Phil Scott’s Monday press conference in Montpelier, state Health Commissioner Dr. Mark Levine noted that the slope of the Covid-19 infection curve “has clearly changed toward more of a plateau.” Using three charts, Levine pointed to the how the number of new infections changed with […]

To the editor: Everyone must wear a mask in public
While I have been a supporter of Gov. Phil Scott, and think he and his team are doing an excellent job managing the Covid-19 crisis, I am concerned that mask wearing in public has not been made mandatory. It is a risky move and it just isn’t safe. This virus is not going away. It […]

State asks Chester, other towns for economic development funds
By Shawn Cunningham © 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC With a request from Vermont to dedicate a portion of the Chester Development Fund to a state-run loan program, the Chester Select Board on Wednesday night turned to Bob Flint of the Springfield Regional Development Corp. to help explain what’s happening. Flint said that the legislature has […]

To the editor: Help Albert & Karnie DeCell celebrate milestones with a card shower
Albert and Karnie DeCell of Weston are celebrating three significant milestones this year! Karnie turns 85 on Saturday, April 25, their 65th wedding anniversary is on Friday, July 24, and Albert will turn 90 on Thursday, Nov. 19. Their children — Greg, Judy and Verlene — invite all extended family members, friends and neighbors to […]

BRGNS offers financial assistance to those in need
Black River Good Neighbors would like to remind everyone that while it is mainly known for its food shelf, it also provides financial assistance for those in need. “One of Black River Good Neighbors’ main services is assistance with rent, utilities and heat when a family faces an emergency,” says its executive director, Audrey Bridge. […]

Cavendish Community Fund extends deadline for grant applications
Since most activities have been put on hold during the pandemic, the Cavendish Community Fund is extending the deadline for accepting grant applications for spring 2020 awards from April 25 until the end of June. Applications can be made by letter that describes the organization that is applying, the project proposed and the overall budget, […]

To the editor: Bennington attorney running for governor
My name is Pat Winburn and I am running for governor of Vermont. I would like to introduce myself. I live with my wife and our two dogs in Bennington and have practiced law in Vermont since 1986. I am a former school board member and currently serve as moderator of the Village of Old […]

Small biz urged to apply for SBA loan programs Congress, White House working to add funds to PPP, EIDL
By Evan Chadwick ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC With the Covid-19 health crisis continuing to cause large scale shutdowns of small businesses across Vermont, small town businesses have been compelled to collaborate more than ever before in an effort to seek emergency funding that has been rolled out as part of the federal CARES Act signed […]

Ripley named GM interim principal as Fierman prepares to take helm at TRSU GM board calls for action to meet 'dire' shortfalls, SU floats administration raises
By Shawn Cunningham © 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Green Mountain Unified School District board on Thursday approved a proposal by incoming Superintendent Lauren Fierman to reorganize the administration of Green Mountain High School with Associate Principal Michael Ripley taking on the role of interim principal. When the board came out of the executive session […]

Banks, credit unions alter policies, hours, services during pandemic
By Christian Avard ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Local businesses and residents are feeling the economic pinch from the coronavirus pandemic. Businesses are laying off workers; most are closed temporarily and some are going out of business. The Vermont Department of Labor has been overwhelmed with new unemployment claims. Gov. Phil Scott is ordering all Vermonters […]

Left in Andover: Myron’s sweet smell of success
By Susan Leader ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC The trucks and modest sedans I grew up with in Andover were practical transportation, symbolizing not much more than the fact that we didn’t have to walk. For this reason, the two Cadillacs — one pink and one black — that punctuated my early childhood loomed large. Dad’s […]

Chester Chatter: Creating a home within a home
By Ruthie Douglas ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Newly married, Don and I lived in his upstairs bedroom in the big old farmhouse. There were three other connecting rooms that would be turned into an apartment whenever we had some money. A kitchen of sorts had a sink with cold-running water and some cupboards. When friends […]

Henry Homeyer: Early edibles from the garden and woods
By Henry Homeyer ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC OK, you may not want to go to the grocery store so much anymore. Tired of eating canned beans? Want something new for your taste buds? Here are some early things I look forward to each spring. These plants are all perennials, so if you don’t have them, […]

S. Vt. gets one out of 19 members on economic recovery panel Local lawmakers: Our communities should have bigger voice
By Shawn Cunningham © 2020 Telegraph Publishing A 19-member “task force” to restart the state’s economy after the peak of the coronavirus pandemic has only one member who lives in southern Vermont and the group’s meetings will not be subject to Vermont’s Open Meetings Law, Gov. Phil Scott said at a press conference Wednesday. On […]

To the editor: Re-open business with safety rules
Stay Home Stay Safe Until May 15? The governor is going to bankrupt us and the state. The collateral damage and unintended consequences will be vast. Hospital visits are down by 50 percent already. People without Covid-19 are getting sicker. People will die from causes other than Covid-19. They won’t go to the hospital for […]

Gymnast Prescott honored with All-Star status Cornell senior of Chester leaps from gym to future in engineering
By Evan Chadwick ©2020 Telegraph Publishing Chester native and Cornell University senior Maci Prescott has been named a national Senior All-Star by U.S. Gymnastics in her final year competing for the Cornell Big Red Women‘s gymnastic’s team. With the national meet canceled due to the Covid-19 shutdowns, “U.S. Gymnastics wanted to honor seniors that did […]

To the editor: Derry Rescue Squad seeks mask makers
The Londonderry Volunteer Rescue Squad is asking for the public’s help in making cloth facemasks that will extend the useful life our current supply of N95 masks during the Covid-19 outbreak. The supply of N95 masks available to healthcare workers is still limited, and LVRS is seeking volunteers to sew cloth facemasks that will fit […]