Archive for June, 2021

Wilder Library kicks off family reading challenge
Wilder Memorial Library, 24 Lawrence Hill Road in Weston, invites families to participate in summer reading via Beanstack and win prizes. Beanstack makes it easy and fun to track summer reading. Here’s how to join: Signup at Vermont Beanstack by clicking here. Select Wilder Memorial Pick your challenge(s), and Log your reading, participate in activities, […]

Derry Solid Waste group gets second grant
The Londonderry Solid Waste Group has been awarded a grant worth $7,800 by the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation to help cover costs for equipment to help with collection of food scraps generated by residents and qualifying businesses of the towns of Landgrove, Londonderry, Peru, Weston and Windham. This is in addition to another grant […]

Heritage Deli hosts Heritage Cares music event to benefit Chester-Andover Family Center
From noon to 3 p.m. on Saturday, June 26, the Heritage Deli & Bakery in collaboration with Chester-Andover Family Center, will kick off Heritage Cares Outdoor Music Series featuring Lucky Soul, a high energy, seven-piece horn band playing classical soul, funk and R&B music. The event will take place on the grounds of the Heritage […]

Grace Cottage 16th Tour de Grace bike rally Saturday
Come join the fun—sign up for Grace Cottage’s 16th Annual Tour de Grace bike rally, to be held Saturday, June 26, rain or shine. Start and end any time between 8 and 10 a.m., at Grace Cottage Family Health & Hospital, 185 Grafton Road, Townshend. The event is a loop of approximately 17 miles on […]

Free tickets available to ‘Thumbelina’ ballet in Springfield, Chester
Come revel in a magical family-friendly production of Thumbelina set outdoors in early summer in Vermont. These performances are the premiere of a brand-new story ballet choreographed by Ashley Hensel-Browning set to Vermont composer Evan Premo’s Thumbelina, an original musical setting of Hans Christian Andersen’s tale of a tiny girl who goes on a big […]

To the editor: Whiting Library reopens fully after pandemic year
Whiting Library is once again open to the public without an appointment. I would like to express my appreciation to library Director Deirdre Doran, Youth Services Librarian Carrie King and Assistant Librarian Will Wilcox, who have done extraordinary work navigating a very difficult year while developing and implementing innovative ways to keep our library relevant […]

Left in Andover: A love for ‘Park-a-Lene’ food
By Susan Leader ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC In a world gone mad for pets, I am a proud but cat-free “cat person.” I got my cat Park-a-Lene in the early 1980s when we were living in our cabin in Andover. She was from a friend’s long line of fine-tempered tortoise shell beauties. Park-a-Lene was my […]

Chester Chatter: The goodness of my father
By Ruthie Douglas ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC My father was a quiet person. He made little noise. Actually, he was shy. But what I loved about my dad was that he stepped up to support what he believed in. I could always count on his help whenever I found myself in trouble, which was often. […]

Henry Homeyer: Summer chores in your veggie garden
By Henry Homeyer ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC As the song goes, it’s “Summertime, and the livin’ is easy!” Well, not really. Yes, I’ve planted my 53 tomato plants, 200 onions and more, but there is still plenty to do. Let’s look at a few chores you might want to do this weekend. Your tomatoes need […]

Weekly Covid Update: Most counties, including Windham, Windsor, lag behind state vaxx goal
©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Although Vermont may be the first state in the country to reach the 80 percent threshold for Covid-19 vaccinations, nine of the state’s 14 counties, including Windham and Windsor, remain within the 70 to 79 percent Covid-vaccination range. Windsor County’s vaccination rate is currently at 73.7 percent, Windham County is at […]

Derry Lions collect 290 lbs. of food; Composting workshop in Cavendish on June 24
Londonderry Area Tri -Mtn Lions Pam Nichols and Pat Glabach are smiling over the 290 pounds of non-perishable foods and personal hygiene products and $475 monetary donations collected at the Food From the Heart drive on Saturday, May 22. Tri-Mtn Lions Gail Wyman and Randee Keith helped set up the collection area in front of […]

Weston board continues speed sign discussion; Act 64 compliance road work continues
By Mallory Hopkins © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Weston Select Board met for the first time since the delayed Weston Town Meeting on May 25. Members opted out of their regularly scheduled meeting that would normally have taken place the same day. The town’s annual meeting had been postponed from March, due to Covid-19. […]

Andover Committee awards $1,000 scholarship; Vermont Land Trust awards student $300
$1,000 scholarship to Loganne LaPrise The Andover Scholarship Committee has awarded Loganne LaPrise a $1,000 scholarship. LaPrise will be attending the Paul Mitchell School in Charlestown, S.C. The committee wishes her great success and the residents of Andover are proud of her accomplishments. The committee has been offering first year college/university/tech school scholarships to qualified […]

College News
The University of Vermont conferred degrees on graduates at multiple, smaller school and college ceremonies. An estimated 3,347 graduates, including 2,685 bachelors, 435 masters, 117 doctoral and 110 medical, earned degrees during the university’s 220th commencement. Here are the local graduates: Elizabeth Adams of Chester, Bachelor of Arts Nicholas Bedi of Springfield, Bachelor of Science […]

Chester Planning Commission agenda for June 21, 2021
The Chester Planning Commission will hold its regular meeting in-person at Town Hall, 556 Elm Street and via Zoom at 6:30 p.m. on Monday June 21, 2021. To join the meeting go to Below is the agenda. 1. Review minutes from June 7, 2021 meeting. 2. Citizen comments. 3. Discuss affordable housing in Chester […]

GM student represents Vermont in Smithsonian History Day exhibition
By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC A Vermont History Day presentation on Suzy ‘Chap Stick’ Chaffee researched and created by Andover student Violet Haight at Green Mountain High School has been selected to compete in the National History Day Contest. It was also chosen to be showcased virtually by the Smithsonian’s National Museum […]

Shane Harris, 50, of Rockingham
Shane Michael Harris, 50 of Rockingham, passed away unexpectedly early Wednesday morning. He was the proud father of two young women, Alexandra and Bradie Harris of Bellows Falls, the devoted “yoke-mate” to long-time partner and best friend, Christine Bullard, the protective older brother of Melanie Cooper and her husband Joel Cooper, of Smithfield, R.I., and […]

Scott lifts restrictions as state hits 80% vaxx goal State of emergency to expire at midnight Tuesday; businesses can retain masking
By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC At a press conference called for this morning, Gov. Phil Scott announced that Vermont has reached the goal of 80 percent of all residents ages 12 and older having received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine and followed through on his promise to lift all […]

Cavendish Select Board agenda for June 14
The Cavendish Select Board will hold its regular meeting via Zoom at 6:30 p.m. on Monday June 14, 2021. To join the meeting go to The passcode is 228723 Below is the board’s agenda. 1. Call the meeting to order 2. Act upon the minutes of May 10th, 2021 3. Adjust agenda 4. Hear […]

3 at Engel & Völkers Okemo honored as top producers
The Ludlow-based team of advisors of Engel & Völkers Okemo was recently honored as among the top producers in the company’s global network of 800+ luxury real estate brokerages. Recognized for their commitment to hard work and excellence at Engel & Völkers Okemo are principal broker Gail Beardmore, pictured center, broker/advisor Geralyn Donohue, right, and […]